$1.5 trillion omnibus includes funding for Joni Ernst/Dianne Feinstein gun control
One of the indisputable realities of the Republican/Democrat duopoly is that there is simply no difference between the two parties, which is why the soon-to-be-passed $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package includes funding for new gun control legislation created by Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) as part of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Of course, Joni Ernst and Dianne Feinstein aren’t saying anything about gun control out in the open. Instead, they are praising the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act they used to conveniently hide gun control within the 2741-page omnibus legislation (via TheHill.com):
Democratic leaders say the newly unveiled bipartisan omnibus spending package includes the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a priority for President Biden, who championed the landmark legislation as a senator decades back.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) marked the news in a joint statement early Wednesday detailing the introduction of the larger $1.5 trillion government funding omnibus.
“Finally, this historic legislation will carry major bipartisan legislation that has been in the making for years,” the lawmakers said. “The Violence Against Women Act, expired for too many years, will finally be reauthorized.”
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) led co-authors Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) in crafting the legislation, which has also attracted attention in recent months as actress Angelina Jolie has been working with lawmakers to promote the legislative effort. (emphasis mine)
Joni Ernst has been a fan of gun control ever since 2020 reelection campaign when she expressed her openness to the idea of adding “sensible” anti-gun legislation as part of the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
However, to ensure that her intentions remained hidden until after the election, Ernst created a Democrat-lite version of VAWA — complete with “sensible” gun control provisions — thus allowing her to run for reelection on the claim that she was protecting gun rights when the exact opposite was true.
But that was soooo yesterday’s news. A few months ago, Ernst and Feinstein teamed with Murkowski and Durin to come up with a new and improved Violence Against Women Act simply that fit quite nicely into Joe Biden’s anti-gun agenda. Here are some of the nitty-gritty details of the “sensible” gun control measures included in the legislation (via Iowa Gun Owners):
Most gun owners are well aware of what a ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ bill would do. Think of this as ‘Red Flags’ on steroids. Just some of what we know is going to be in this legislation (known as the Violence Against Women Act) includes:
> Expanding the list of misdemeanors that would place a person on the ‘prohibited persons’ list for the rest of their life.
Felony convictions have long been the standard that determines who can and cannot own a firearm. If the left can successfully start adding misdemeanors to this list, it’s going to open the flood gates and millions of gun owners will be disarmed!
> A new requirement that would send an incident report to local law enforcement every time someone fails a NICS check.
Studies have shown that 94% of NICS checks that fail are false positives! But this legislation would encourage law enforcement to open a criminal investigation against you for failing a NICS check, allowing you to be harassed for no reason!
> New language allowing state and local prosecutors to be deputized as part-time United States Attorneys and state and local cops to be deputized as part-time ATF agents to investigate and prosecute violations of this new law.
In other words, Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland would federalize state and local authorities, weaponizing them against gun owners who fall victim to this new legislation! (emphasis mine)
I predicted over a year ago that Republicans would eventually give Joe Biden’s gun control agenda overwhelming support, and it looks like that prediction is about to come true now that they will have the omnibus spending bill as cover (via TheHill.com):
The House is expected to take action on the legislation on Wednesday before House Democrats are scheduled to depart for a three-day retreat in Philadelphia. If passed, the Senate will likely take up the package shortly after.
Sen. Roy Blunt (Mo.), ranking Republican on the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on labor, health and human services and education, told The Hill on Tuesday that he doesn’t think the Senate will need to send back the bill following its expected passage in the lower chamber later this week.
“I think whatever we agree to that gets filed in the House, unless there’s some filing mistake, will be the bill we vote on,” Blunt, who is also a member of GOP leadership, said.
Senate Minority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) also said ahead of the text’s unveiling that he expected the bill to fetch “robust” bipartisan support.
“I would expect a fairly robust vote, bipartisan vote and a lot of it has to do with, again, just a sense of urgency of getting assistance to Ukraine,” Thune said.
Money to arm Ukraine but disarm America, Sen. Thune? Good to see where your priorities lie.
There is little doubt that Joe Biden and far-left Democrats like Dianne Feinstein are motivated by their never-ending desire to destroy the Second Amendment and completely disarm America, and there is little doubt that Republicans and faux conservatives like Joni Ernst will cave to their gun control agenda when politically advantageous.
Isn’t it amazing to watch faux conservatives work together with real progressives to destroy liberty when they think we aren’t paying attention?
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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