Category: Eric Buss

COVID collapse: The uncalculated cost

We’ve concerned ourselves with the body count, the amount spent, and the loss of liberty related to CV-19. We picked our trenches early on by our personal predispositions. We’ve been checking and balancing the above three positions for over a…

Never Trump: The remnant of the resistance

Never Trump represents a full stop. I’m talking about Gandalf screaming, “YOU SHALL NOT PASS” type of full stop. We are Fred Flintstone planting feet to go from 60 to 0 in 3.2 seconds. We are unshakable in our resolve…

Has the civil path come to an end?

First and foremost, I would like to offer a heart-felt salute to each of the 80,000 to 120,000 individuals for attending the Virginia Rally of Protest (01.20.20). I say Rally of Protest because this event was a rallying point for…