Tag: T.E.A. Party

Why Won’t Conservatives Just Let Romney Win?

According to the number 2 House Republican, it’s time for everyone to coalesce around Mitt Romney – aka Mr. Inevitable – so he can focus on losing to running against Obama in November. Karl Rove – the George Castanza of the political world because they…

Conservatives Of The World Unite!

February 7, 2012 – A date which will live in infamy. OK. . . not exactly. But conservatives in the states of Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado spoke loud and clear when they gave upstart Rick Santorum decisive wins over the inevitable candidate, Mitt…

I Agree With John Kerry

In a refreshing change of heart, it appears that John Kerry added another flip-flop to his long list of double-minded positions on an issue, but this time he was right in doing so and I agree with his new position. In an…