Tag: Palestine

Barack Obama: King of the Jews?

Barack Obama recently voiced his frustration in a conversation with his friend and former chief campaign adviser David Axelrod about being perceived as anti-Israel, according to JPUpdates.com and a report with The Daily Caller. “You know, I think I am…

Obama confirms his hatred of Israel

Barack Hussein Obama’s despicable behavior has now officially reached a new low as we learned today that his administration declassified a top-secret document that reveals Israel’s nuclear weapons program. According to Israel National News, the document—written in 1987—was released in early February.…

Barack Obama: Loves muslims – Hates Israel

According to an Israeli official, Obama is about to agree with nearly 80% of Iran’s demands in the discussions with that rogue nation regarding their nuclear ambitions. When Rep. John Boehner announced that he had invited Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin…