Earth Day: A day to celebrate Marxism and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday
April 22 is Earth Day, or as it’s better known by socialists and communists around the world, a day to celebrate Marxism and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday.
Many have argued that Vladimir Lenin’s birthday and Earth Day falling on the same day is merely a coincidence, but a brief look back at the history of the first Earth Day reveals what Al Gore might call an inconvenient truth.
April 22, 1970, was the centennial celebration of Vladimir Lenin’s birthday (April 22, 1870), a big deal to the global communist movement at the time. Vladimir Lenin and the communist movement preached Marxism and an anti-capitalist gospel where profit, corporations, free markets, and Western civilization were considered an evil that must be destroyed for the greater good of the working class (proletariat) . . . just like Tucker Carlson does.
When the communist movement collapsed in the late 1980’s under Ronald Reagan, many of the disciples of communism around the world found a new home within the radical environmental movement. The connection between environmental extremism and communism is no coincidence.
The majority of environmental economists in the 1960s and 1970s believed that only socialist countries could be trusted to protect the environment. It was their contention that countries operating under socialism were the only ones capable of acting for the good of all mankind, and that free-market, capitalist countries only cared about maximizing profits regardless of the impact they were having on the environment.
On Earth Day 2024 — the 154th birthday of Vladimir Lenin — we shouldn’t be surprised to hear the growing calls for government-controlled economies (aka command economies) and the nationalization of land, water, and other natural resources.
We also shouldn’t be surprised to see the growing acceptance of socialism and communism over capitalism by the children and grandchildren of those who created Earth Day, nor the radical policies they are proposing in the name of protecting the earth.
It’s in this spirit that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal has become foundational to discussions concerning the environment and so-called social justice. In October 2023, AOC reinforced her environmental extremism when she declared capitalism an unredeemable system and openly advocated for the destruction of capitalism and the advancement of Marxism to see her extreme positions become the law of the land:
“So, to me, capitalism at its core, what we’re talking about when we talk about that, is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost. That is what we’re really discussing.
“[Capitalists] can control our labor. They can control massive markets that they dictate and can capture governments. And they can essentially have power over the many. And to me that is not a redeemable system for us to be able to participate in for the prosperity and peace for the vast majority of people.
“I think at the end of the day, it is about who has control over the very core assets of production and society. (Emphasis mine)
Unfortunately, environmental extremism is also the spirit behind the socialism-lite approach embraced by Republicans, Nationalists, and other so-called conservatives, which is why they have proposed a batch of Green New Deal “alternatives.”
And let’s not forget the part played by the Democrat with an “R” after his name trying to occupy the White House.
During his first term in office, Donald Trump was pressured by his advisor, daughter, and de facto climate czar Ivanka, to appoint Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier to lead the office of Science and Technology Policy as White House science advisor. Droegemeier’s record as a radical environmentalist earned him an endorsement from John Holdren, the former science advisor under Barack Obama who was an advocate for more abortions to bring an end to global warming.
With Joe Biden and the Democrats currently running the show, the connection between Marxism and environmentalism on Earth Day 2023 is stronger than ever. U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry — who makes millions of dollars from solar panels built by Uyghur slaves — boasted in 2021 about the progress made during global warming discussions with China after successfully getting Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders to finally, at long last, use the word “crisis” to describe so-called climate change.
In a in a Washington Post Live interview with columnist Jonathan Capehart, Kerry noted that in his visit to Shanghai for climate negotiations, CCP leaders signed on to a joint statement in which “China used the word crisis for the first time. … China came around and said it is urgent.”
“They didn’t just talk about plateauing or peaking, they have now agreed there must be actions between 2020 and 2030,” he added.
COVID tyranny gave a boost to environmental extremism. Early in the so-called pandemic, attempts were made to include AOC’s Green New Deal in coronavirus stimulus packages to help the U.S. economy recover and become more resilient to the so-called climate crisis. Additionally, the Democratic Socialists of America released an official statement in March 2020 calling the Green New Deal a “working class solution to the COVID-19 crisis.”
Kerry made another COVID/global warming connection in a speech given during a December 2020 panel discussion hosted by the World Economic Forum where he also endorsed the Great Reset:
“[The need for the Great Reset is] a reflection of the inability of democratic governments in many parts of the world to deliver. And I just have to put it bluntly. We’re certainly the primary exhibit. We’re exhibit number one.
“I think …. that the notion of a ‘reset’ is more important than ever before. I personally believe that we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.
“I believe no government is fundamentally going to make the climate crisis go away. Government’s best effort is going to be to create a structure which will make it possible for certain things to happen. And the next opportunity for that structure to be fully defined is Glasgow.
“Now, I don’t believe—and I think Joe Biden, I know Joe Biden believes this—it’s not enough just to rejoin [the Paris Climate Accords] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires.” (Emphasis mine)
After elevating Mother Earth above Father God, Pope Francis also joined Marxists around the world to attack the evils of capitalism and place the blame for COVID and global warming on the free market.
And let’s not forget the social justice crowd. In an April 2020 opinion piece for TheHill.com, Amanda D. Rodewald, a faculty member of the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University and fellow at Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, blamed “poor air quality” for the spread of COVID-19 in black, Hispanic, and other “under-resourced communities.”
Environmentalism and Leninism are two sides of the same coin, which is why Earth Day is a celebration of Marxism and Vladimir Lenin’s birthday.
Environmentalists Marxists of the world, rejoice! You are saving the planet! Vladimir Lenin is proud of you!
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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