Democrats’ road to victory is paved with the broken promises of the GOP

In the push leading up to the November mid-term election, Republicans and faux conservatives have completely abandoned any semblance of integrity concerning the promises they made when America gave them full control of Washington two years ago.

One area where their betrayal has been most obvious is their promise to repeal Obamacare, a promise they made in 2012, 2014, and 2016, and again a few months ago if voters let them keep their majority.

Despite their repetitious “repeal Obamacare” mantra, Trump and the GOP recently passed an $854 billion spending bill that included a boatload of betrayals, including funding for Obamacare.

While they attempted to hide the fact that the spending bill provided a big boost to Obamacare and government-run, single-payer healthcare, Trump and the GOP aren’t even trying to hide their betrayal any longer as they have begun to support the “good” parts of Obamacare, such as pre-existing conditions.

This healthcare slight-of-hand is clearly nothing but a lame attempt to buy a few votes in November for Republicans, but it appears to be having the opposite effect. GOP betrayals have created votes for Democrats, giving the party of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi fresh wind in their sails.

With no Republican resistance and momentum on their side, Democrat candidates for governor in red and purple states are openly pushing to expand Medicaid while “Medicare for all” — the politically correct way of saying single-payer healthcare — has been adopted on the national level as a 2020 campaign issue.

It appears that Democrats can and will win on this issue.

In Pennsylvania — a state Trump narrowly won in 2016 — Democrats are surging in popularity thanks to the GOP’s broken healthcare promises. Besides a likely victory for Pennsylvania’s incumbent Democrat senator and governor, the blue party could pick up six Congressional seats, 25% of the seats they need to retake the House.

Trump’s Medicare policies along with his long history of supporting socialized medicine and single-payer has already put America on the path to Obamacare’s ultimate goal of government-run healthcare, but now we’re hearing about Trump making overtures to Democrats ahead of their likely takeover in November in an effort to secure a few policy “wins” for himself ahead of 2020.

Which begs the question: If Trump’s willing to sell out to the Democrats with Republicans in charge, what do you think will happen to healthcare if his buddies Chuck and Nancy are running Congress?

I think we already know the answer to that question.



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on

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