World Health Organization (WHO) global pandemic treaty fails for now
In this latest New World Order update, we have learned that despite the behind-closed-doors negotiations and arm-twisting that took place during the United Nations’ meetings from May 27 to June 1 — the World Health Organization (WHO) referred to this as “formal and informal negotiations” — passage of the global pandemic treaty has failed . . . for now.
The WHO is keeping the reasons behind this failure to itself but based on media talking points, the failure had nothing to do with concerns over the inevitable loss of national sovereignty and the explosion of tyranny that would result from the global pandemic treaty. Instead, the reason talks broke down came down to how “rich and poor countries” would divvy up the trillions of dollars to be made from the treaty.
While the New World Order tyrants failed to advance their agenda, they’re promising to continue fighting for the WHO global pandemic treaty. World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus equated the collapse in negotiations to “a catastrophic moral failure” before he doubled down on his commitment to seeing its passage:
“We will try everything – believing that anything is possible – and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty. Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist.”
As I mentioned in my previous update, the WHO global pandemic treaty’s passage is heavily dependent on additional arm-twisting by Joe Biden and his State Department.
Biden has been working furiously to pass the WHO global pandemic treaty. Just last month, he released his “Global Health Security Strategy” and promised to “work directly with” 50 countries using what he called “catalytic leadership” (threats and bribes) to advance the United Nation’s globalist ambitions courtesy of $2 billion in taxpayer money authorized by the duopoly in Congress:
Since day one, I have been committed to ensuring that our Nation is prepared for a future pandemic and all biological threats, including strengthening and investing in global health security.
Over the last 3 years, we have more than doubled our global health partnerships—working directly with 50 countries to ensure they can more effectively prevent, detect, and control outbreaks. And we are working with partners to support an additional 50 countries to save even more lives and minimize economic losses.
With strong bipartisan support from Congress, we also championed the creation of the Pandemic Fund, a new international body that has already catalyzed $2 billion in financing from 27 contributors, including countries, foundations, and philanthropies, to build stronger global health security capabilities.
We stand at an inflection point in history, where the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. The new Global Health Security Strategy will ensure we remain vigilant to possible threats at this critical moment and help set a more secure, sustainable, and healthy course for our people and for people around the world. (Emphasis mine)
Credit for the creation of the global pandemic treaty goes in large part to Joe Biden after he privately sent a list of amendments to international health regulations to the World Health Organization on January 18, 2022. One of Biden’s objectives at the time was to give current and future World Health Organization Director-Generals unrestricted power to define and implement their interventions and to declare “public health emergencies” at will.
By the way, the term “public health emergency” was left deliberately vague and ill-defined. This means that gun violence, climate change, digital passports or any other issues that global tyrants decide are a threat to “public health” can be declared a global emergency in the future.
Another negotiating board member of the WHO, Precious Matsoso, is committed to seeing UN member nations reach an agreement on the pandemic treaty and has promised that efforts won’t stop. “We will make sure that this happens, because when the next pandemic hits, it will not spare us,” she said.
Do you remember when contact tracing and testing were used as surveillance tools to track the spread of Covid-19 during the so-called pandemic? Do you remember how a mass surveillance dragnet was created that forced citizens around the world to use surveillance apps and devices? Do you remember how the data collected by these apps was used by governments and third parties?
These same tools are included in the global pandemic treaty under a provision that empowers the WHO to create a global digital passport and ID system. According to Garret Mehl, the head of the WHO’s Department of Digital Health and Innovation, the ability to control the world population is necessary to build “trust” in the treaty. To this end, the WHO contracted German-based Deutsche Telekom subsidiary T-Systems last year to develop a global vaccine passport system, with plans to link every person on the planet to a QR code digital ID.
This system will be universal, mandatory, trans-national, and operated by unelected bureaucrats who are largely financed by Bill Gates, the largest single private funder of the WHO.
The new revised WHO agreement aims to give Bill Gates and Gavi de facto pandemic and surveillance governing power over all 198 member states in the event of the next pandemic. If that doesn't frighten you I don't know what will. pic.twitter.com/Hm0BG5pJpp
— SIKH FOR TRUTH (@SikhForTruth) May 8, 2022
Unfortunately, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, and the globalists at the WHO won’t be content with merely passing the global pandemic treaty because it’s just one piece of the New World Order puzzle. The pandemic treaty also plays a significant role in the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda.
For those who foolishly believe that Donald Trump will stop Joe Biden, Klaus Schwab, and the creation of a New World Order, I’ve got some bad news: Trump and Biden both used COVID to build a tyrannical government, and they both have worked closely with the World Economic Forum to advance the Great Reset.
Any doubts as to the goals of the WHO global pandemic treaty were by Joe Biden, UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab. In March 2022, Biden called on America to lead in the creation of a “New World Order” that would “unite the world.” And in May 2022, United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab signed a joint agreement to accelerate the UN’s Agenda 2030.
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has been advocating since December 2021 for a global vaccination campaign along with other programs to address “global problems” once the WHO pandemic treaty is approved (via Business Standard):
UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has said that “the only way out of a global pandemic and out of this unjust and immoral situation is through a global vaccination campaign.”
Climate change, inequality, and the development of new technologies were also addressed by the UN Chief, who called for “a quantum leap in unity and solidarity” to address these global problems. (Emphasis mine)
For now, the WHO global pandemic treaty and plans for the New World Order have experienced a minor setback, but the fight isn’t over. The globalists will be back. You can count on it!
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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