Conservatives’ faith in Republican cowards is destroying liberty
America is losing her liberty because conservatives have placed their faith in Republican cowards unwilling to defend it.
Like falling dominos, Sometimes-Trump cowards have destroyed conservatism, leading to the fall of a Republican Party lacking the desire to fight for anything other than its own political preservation.
The current state of American politics depends on a projection of strength, and many assume that the loudest and most vocal represent the view of the majority. This belief has benefited the Democrat Party, where activism and protests are the staple of the progressive left. It has also benefited the Republican Party, making them indistinguishable from their so-called counterparts.
Virtue signaling. Wokeness. Climate change. The LGBT agenda. Demands for increased regulation. A relentless pursuit of free everything (except people and the marketplace). These are just some of the ways progressives and Marxists in the Democrat Party project strength as they entrench themselves in the Freedom of Assembly clause of the First Amendment while simultaneously dismantling the rest of the Bill of Rights.
Large, angry, liberty-loving crowds are to politicians what Kryptonite is to Superman; what sunlight is to a vampire; what snakes are to Indiana Jones. And it is this sheepish, paralyzing fear that has controlled the Republican Party for decades.
They fear the labels hurled at them by emotionally driven mobs. They fear how they may be perceived in the media. They fear losing their seat in the halls of power. They fear Donald Trump.
These Republican cowards see little need to exercise the authority voters have placed with them, choosing instead to cower to their Democrat rivals, Party leadership, and their mango messiah. Why is that? Why are the lions and tigers and bears of Washington, DC more frightening to Republicans than the voters who pull the lever in their favor every few years? The answer is as plain as the nose on your face.
Fear controls. Fear keeps the peasants in line. Fear protects political agendas. Fear is a tool used by Republican cowards to ensure they retain their seats of power, allowing them to continue hiding among the body politic because it’s safer there.
When you add fear to their inaction and progressive ideology, the result is the spineless, moderate, Republican coward.
Over time, the line of demarcation between Republicans and Democrats has disintegrated to the point that liberty and the Constitution are secondary to the interests of protecting the duopoly. In today’s America, neither party defends the foundations of our American Republic. Instead, they defend their source of revenue because they are now in it for the money … our money.
When Republicans groomed by the progressive agendas of Trumpism and Nationalism agree in full or in part that government is responsible for “making things better,” improving society, purifying humanity, and providing our safety, the difference between them and Democrats is reduced to nothing. In the end, Republicans want to control people and remain in power just as much as Democrats.
Regulating the conduct of everyday Americans through burdensome laws and a bloated bureaucracy are the most effective tools of Republican cowards even though they will never admit it. And if they face any pushback for their actions, Republican cowards pretend to object to the tyranny they created by engaging in a bit of kabuki theatre — stepping aside to allow Democrats take the blame while offering a cursory protest before negotiating a bipartisan alternative.
Gun control. Deficit spending. Immigration reform. Obamacare. The LGBT agenda. These are just some of areas where this Republican/Democrat political incest has taken America further away from liberty.
Why do Republicans always concede to Democrat demands? Are they incapable of proposing legislation that accomplishes their own “stated” agenda and platform? Do they even have an agenda or platform anymore? Quite frankly, Republicans lack any consistent position on most issues, and there is no policy where surrender isn’t preferred to courage.
How many times over the years have we heard Mitch McConnell and his crew promise great and marvelous things from a Republican majority? And how many times have Republicans accomplished diddly when they did?
From 2016 to the present, Republican cowards found someone new to hide behind; someone not burdened with steadfast ideals. Donald Trump provided the cover they needed to do nothing while pretending to do something. And the only thing Trump demanded in return was their unconditional loyalty in exchange for their oath to defend and protect the Constitution.
Trump absolved Republicans cowards of all responsibility. Trump ran the show from the Oval Office. Trump’s policy positions changed daily. Trump blurred the lines of conservatism by touting nationalism over conservatism. Trump openly debased those who dared to speak an unkind word in reference to him. He mocked the media as the enemy of the American people.
The entire Republican Party — so allergic to courage that even if a spine were donated to them their bodies would likely reject the transplant — had found their political messiah in Donald Trump and declared him to be God’s chosen as they willingly laid their tinfoil crowns at his feet.
History is replete with evidence that nearly every time such a leader takes control of cowards, there is very little he cannot get away with because cowards are unwilling to speak out against him. History shows us how great atrocities have been committed under such circumstances. A coward in the service of a man like Donald Trump — a man overwrought with narcissism and a false sense of self-confidence bordering on the pathological — is a guaranteed recipe for disaster.
Republicans have abandoned conservatism; they have abandoned reason, the party platform, the rule of law, the Constitution, individual liberty, and the Republic itself all because of their fear of Donald Trump.
Even though fear is the only way Republican cowards can operate with any confidence, voters will sadly and inevitably pull the lever for them again and again because they have bought into the lies and fear peddled by both Democrats and Republicans.
Conservative’s misplaced faith and confidence in Republican cowards is the very reason America is losing her liberty.
* Portions of this article were provided by Strident Conservative contributor Eric Buss.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties. He is the author of The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty.
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