Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds motivated by only one thing: MONEY!

Trump Towers – Istanbul, Turkey

Late Sunday night, Donald Trump held a phone call meeting with his defacto business partner in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to discuss ways to take the heat off his impending impeachment under the guise of dealing with the conflict in Syria.

Though the specifics of the call are unknown at this time, much like his call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, it must have been “perfectly fine and routine” as Trump was able to make a deal that most likely protected his “conflict of interest” in Istanbul.

Just what kind of arrangement did Mr. Art of the Deal negotiate?

In exchange for Turkey’s cooperation helping him get out of a “ridiculous endless war,” Trump announced that he will unilaterally abandon America’s Kurdish allies in northern Syria to pave the way for a Turkish offensive against the freedom fighters who helped us rein in ISIS.

For members of the cult ready to shoot down my conclusions about Trump’s motives, this isn’t the first time Trump put his financial self-interests ahead of the needs of America and/or our allies, particularly when Turkey’s involved.

In June 2016, after then-candidate Trump expressed his support for a ban on immigration by people from countries associated with Islamic terrorism, Erdoğan and the landlord of Trump Towers Istanbul, Aydin Dogan, objected to the policy and threatened to remove Trump’s name from the buildings which would have cost Trump up to $17 million in royalties.

Their threat worked. When Trump signed his travel ban executive order a few weeks after his inauguration, he exempted Turkey along with Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Indonesia — all countries where Trump has business ties.

This very obvious violation of the Emoluments Claus of the U.S. Constitution is bad enough on its own, but in this case his abuse of power is worse. Now Trump stands to profit financially from the shed blood of thousands of Kurdish patriots about to be slaughtered at the hands of Turkish forces.

Kind of gives new meaning to the phrase “blood money,” doesn’t it?

Facing backlash from Democrats and Republicans for his obvious betrayal an ally — including nearly every Trumpist in Washington with the exception of Rand Paul — Trump has assured America that he won’t let Turkey do anything “off limits.” And how will Trump make such a determination? He will rely on his “great and unmatched wisdom.”

I hope Trump’s promise to “totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey” as he’s “done before” is more successful than his trade war with China has been because that’s been a complete failure.

Trump’s promise of economic retaliation begs another question. Why is his fallback plan when it comes to foreign affairs always tied to money and wealth? There are things more important than money, such as liberty and freedom — values we used to aspire to before the Age of Trump.

The Kurds know this. It’s a shame that Trump and his cult don’t.


David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative.

His daily radio commentary is distributed by the Salem Radio Network and is heard on stations across America.

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