The parallel between COVID vaccine passports and Nazi Germany
Despite the avalanche of accusations of me being a right-wing conspiracy theorist or a Trump cultist that I’m sure to receive, today I’m writing about the obvious parallel between today’s COVID vaccine passports and a similar health-tracking system used in 1940s Nazi Germany.
In America and around the world, COVID vaccine passport mandates are spreading faster than the virus itself.
In September 2020, the United Kingdom announced a plan to develop and eventually mandate COVID vaccine passports for British citizens — an idea supported by current and former officials who believed that the so-called pandemic provided an opportunity to create such a program as the solution to relaxing lockdowns and social distancing laws.
A few months later, COVID vaccine passports made the news in America when a group of health and technology companies announced a partnership to developed the technology in preparation that governments and businesses would eventually require proof of being vaccinated before being allowing people to resume a “normal” life.
In March 2021, the European Union announced the Digital Green Pass, a COVID vaccine passport that would “gradually enable [Europeans] to move safely in the EU or abroad for work or tourism.” This is also when then-governor of New York Andrew Cuomo announced the nation’s first “voluntary” COVID vaccine passport program dubbed the “Excelsior Pass” — an app to make it possible for New Yorkers to prove their vaccination status or recent negative COVID-19 test in order to gain entry to events and businesses.
Taking his cue from the disgraced ex-governor, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an order just weeks ago requiring COVID vaccine passports in order for people to patronize restaurants, gyms, theatres, and other indoor venues in the Big Apple.
As my friend Shannon Joy often reminds us, bad New York policies tend to lead to bad policies in other states — or worse, bad national policies — and COVID vaccine passports are no exception to the rule as Washington politicians and bureaucrats are actively pushing for federal COVID vaccine and passport mandates.
Under one of his first orders as president, Joe Biden instructed federal agencies to “evaluate” the idea of creating COVID vaccine passports (digital certificates) for all US citizens. Months later, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky suggested that a health pass system (i.e. COVID vaccine passports) allowing special access to certain venues for vaccinated individuals, already underway in France and Italy, could be adopted in the United States. “I think some communities are doing that and that may very well be a path forward,” she stated in a CNN interview.
In September 2021, Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) introduced a bill requiring COVID vaccine passports as a condition to use public transportation (via TheHill.com):
Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) on Thursday unveiled legislation to require all airline and train passengers in the U.S. to provide proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID-19 test in order to travel.
The legislation, called the Safe Travel Act, calls for all passengers, employees, contractors and subcontractors of Amtrak and commercial airlines to show that they have either been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, or tested negative for the virus within 72 hours of travel.
Beyer, who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, said in a statement Thursday that “requiring airport and Amtrak travelers and employees to provide a proof of COVID vaccine or negative test is just common sense.” (emphasis mine)
So, what’s the parallel between today’s COVID vaccine passport and Nazi Germany?

Nazi Germany gesundheitspass (health pass)
In 1940s Germany, the Main Office for Public Health of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party issued a health passport known as the gesundheitspass (health card. bill of health. health pass) to allegedly track the health of the German people. In reality, these passports became one of the many tools used by the Nazi Party to identify and weed out non-Aryans.
While we haven’t seen anything like the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany — at least, not yet — there are striking parallels between how Hitler used health passes to control the Jews and how our government wants to use COVID passports to control Americans.
Government constantly assures us that COVID vaccine passports will protect our private information, but the reality is that they will make the names, phone numbers, and locations of people easily available to the government — in real-time if digital — and that will give government everything it needs to eventually create a “social credit system.”
Tech industry experts tell us that the digital platform used to support vaccine passports is the same platform used in China’s “social credit system.“ Some of the areas tracked in real time by China are (via New Horizons):
- Medical history
- Social media posts and internet search history
- Bank accounts and credit cards
- Residence, employment, and criminal history
- Relationships and religious activities
- Political activity
Once obtained, this information is fed to a central database to create a “social credit score” used to reward or punish citizens. Those with a high score are able to participate freely in society while those with a low score are prohibited from traveling, borrowing money, keep a job, or even get their children into school.
Government and the technocrats working to push COVID vaccine passports claim they can completely protect privacy, but as we know all-too-well post-9/11, protecting privacy is secondary to government’s insatiable need for power over our daily lives — a reality made worse in the age of COVID tyranny we find ourselves living in.
This means that despite government assurances that COVID vaccine passports will only be used to track compliance, they can easily be used to create a China-styled social credit system since they both use the same platform.
Biden continues to claim that vaccine passport mandates are off the table, but a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Health IT Coordinating Council) recently predicted that “vaccine credentials” will become a “de facto requirement” to participate in ordinary activities.
“From a Federal perspective, vaccines and vaccine credentials are matters of individual choice — there is no mandate for either. However, current trends suggest that vaccine credentials could nevertheless become a market-imposed de facto requirement for an individual’s return to day-to-day activities.” (emphasis mine)
Nazi Germany used health passes to control the daily lives of Jews and non-Aryans, and today’s COVID vaccine passports are easily giving our government the same kind of control.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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