Category: RINO

Net Neutrality: Another step closer to tyranny

Obama’s tried it before and failed, but when you’re a dictator on a mission to fundamentally transform America, you don’t let something so petty as a court decision stop you from trying again. Of course, we’re talking about Net Neutrality…

Mitch McConnell: A lying liar telling lies

Regular readers of my commentaries know that I keep track of the lies told by the lying liars representing the Republican party, and Mitch McConnell has been one of my most regular contributors. In August of last year, during a reelection campaign…

John McCain should listen to Matt Foley

Last week, Mitch “Lyin’ Eyes” McConnell threw the House Republicans under the proverbial bus when he blamed them for his inability to get a bill through the Senate that fully funds the Department of Homeland Security, but denies funds for…