Joe Biden threatens Christian school for rejecting his pro-LGBT changes to Title IX
When it comes to the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, the pro-LGBT changes Joe Biden made to Title IX stand to destroy the next generation in ways unimaginable only a few years ago. But for him to succeed, he must also destroy the freedoms of speech and religion that hold back his diabolical plan, which is why he is threatening a Christian school for rejecting it.
Biden is threatening to deny free school-lunch funding from Grant Park Christian Academy, a Christian school in Tampa, FL, for refusing to comply with his Title IX pro-LGBT mandates, despite the school’s religious objections. The school is suing Biden for violating their free speech and religious liberty rights (via Washington Free Beacon):
In May, the Biden administration redefined the meaning of “sex” in Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity, forcing schools to permit transgender students to use male or female bathrooms and play sports with either sex in order to receive National School Lunch Program funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. More than half of state attorneys general rejected the memorandum, with Florida attorney general Ashley Moody saying the Biden administration was “using hungry children to advance a political agenda,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.
The Florida school refused to substitute gender identity for biological sex, costing them their ability to feed two meals and snacks daily to their 56 students when the fall semester starts. If Grant Park’s application is not approved by Aug. 10, the school will not be reimbursed for the meals it serves students. ADF legal counsel Erica Steinmiller-Perdomo said Fried should not block Grant Park’s school lunch funding, as Title IX provides a religious exemption.
“For five years, this Christian school has received funding to provide nutritious meals to dozens of low-income children in the community,” Steinmiller-Perdomo said. “Commissioner Fried and the Biden administration are trying to rewrite the law and ignore the exemption in an attempt to force this school to choose between violating its religious beliefs or providing lunches to children.” (Emphasis mine)
Biden has been on this road from the beginning of his presidency. Only hours after taking the oath of office in January 2021, Biden issued an executive order barring discrimination based on “gender identity” and “sexual orientation.” A few months later, he announced that he would take states to court over what he called “anti-transgender” laws, and he committed to use the resources of his Department of Justice as muscle.
Even though Biden announced changes to Title IX back in January, the idea of using the law to promote the sexual exploitation and abuse of children has been in the works ever since he was Barack Obama’s #2; Uncle Joe just picked up where Barry left off.
In April 2016, Barack Obama’s Department of Education (DOE) held a meeting with a group called Equality Michigan to declare “discrimination” against transgender students a civil rights issue, and he promised to keep the DOE “aggressively engaged” in the fight to allow children to use whichever bathroom they choose promote and federalize the sexual abuse and exploitation of children.
This was followed in May 2016 with a keynote address by Department of Education Secretary John B. King, Jr. to the Education Writers Association where he suggested that the DOE would be using a pro-LGBT interpretation of Title IX to bully states into correcting what he termed “a terrible mistake” concerning so-called discrimination against transgenders.
Before leaving office, Obama issued mandates on schools across the country requiring them to use a transgender student’s chosen pronouns and to open bathrooms, locker rooms, overnight accommodations, and some sports teams to students based on their chosen gender identity.
The Obama/Biden approach of using the DOE to promote the sexual abuse and exploitation of children via pro-LBGT changes to Title IX became clear when Uncle Joe nominated Catherine Lhamon to be assistant secretary for civil rights at the U.S. Department of Education. She was confirmed by the U.S. Senate after Vice President Kamala Harris voted for Lhamon to break a 50-50 tie.
Lhamon has long been known as an extremist concerning religious liberty and LGBT issues, going back to her days as assistant secretary for civil rights under the Obama administration and later as chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
During her tenure working for Barack Obama — heralded as “America’s First Gay President” — Lhamon wrote a letter telling public schools they were in violation of federal law if they prohibited students from using the restroom or locker room that matched their gender identity. Schools also were considered in violation of federal law if they prohibited transgender-identifying students from playing on the gender-specific sports team of their choosing.
The Obama rule, for example, permitted a biological boy who identifies as a girl to use the girls’ restroom. “A school may not require transgender students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so,” she wrote at the time.
Joe Biden “honored” the 50th anniversary of Title IX earlier this year by announcing its expansion to promote the LGBT agenda and legalize the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona told reporters at the time that the proposed changes would “fully protect students from all forms of sex discrimination, instead of limiting some protections to sexual harassment alone, and make clear those protections include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.” (Emphasis mine)
Biden essentially makes compliance to the pro-LGBT agenda mandatory . . . or else:
Among other things Biden's new Title IX rule — which applies to all public schools and most universities — says that using the wrong gender pronouns is sexual harassment. Wokeism will be mandatory, unless you want to be expelled. pic.twitter.com/0bbQ8v4xLa
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) June 23, 2022
Expanding Title IX stands a good chance of success thanks to Donald Trump’s “conservative” Supreme Court and the 6-3 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County that created a never-existed-before inalienable right to transgenderism.
In a majority opinion written by Trump appointee Neil Gorsuch, SCOTUS determined that discriminating against individuals because of “sex” included sexual orientation and transgender status and therefor prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Since the courts often use interpretations of Title VII to “inform” interpretations of Title IX, the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division released a three-page memo last year detailing how they would follow this same logic to defend Joe Biden’s expansion of Title IX:
“After considering the text of Title IX, Supreme Court caselaw, and developing jurisprudence in this area, the Division has determined that the best reading of Title IX’s prohibition on discrimination ‘on the basis of sex’ is that it includes discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation.”
From bathrooms and locker rooms to school sports teams, the government-sanctioned and mandated sexual abuse of children has been the goal of Barack Obama and Joe Biden (along a few so-called conservatives) to ensure that the LGBT agenda becomes the supreme law of the land . . . and punishing Christian schools for rejecting changes to Title IX helps them reach that goal.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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