(Guest Commentary) Mike Farris – Citizens for Self-Governance – Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies, co-founder of the Convention of States Project One of the reasons we have accepted the premise of the “lesser of two evils” in our voting decisions,…
Author: Guest Contributor
Election 2016: Better Than Two Evils – Part Two
Election 2016: Better Than Two Evils – Part One
Are Republicans sending the wrong message?
Will A Bankrupt America Be Able To Defend Itself?
As the Strident Conservative grows in popularity, we continue to receive requests for the opportunity to be a guest contributor. We’re proud to give space for today’s guest. Since the events of 9/11, Larry Kelley has written over 100 articles on…
DNC Again The Darling Of The Leftist Media
As The Strident Conservative grows in popularity, requests continue to come in from others who agree with our “always right” position on the issues for the opportunity to be a guest blogger. Today’s post is such a request. Jonathan Dickerson has written…
The High-Stakes Showdown Over Medicare Reform
By Dr. Mark W. Hendrickson (WNS)–The trustees of the Medicare system recently reported that the program will go broke in the year 2024—five years sooner than was projected just last year. The millions of Americans who have been counting on…