Donald Trump has had a rough time since the end of the GOP convention. After getting verbally hammered by virtually every Democrat that took the stage at the Democratic convention, the Republican candidate has made a series of verbal gaffes…
The LGBT agenda has been, and will always be, anti-Christian in nature as they continue to target Christian businesses, schools and churches for complete and total destruction. Because in their world, that’s what tolerance looks like. Much of their success…
Yesterday I wrote about a new PEW Research Center poll that showed how pastors were allegedly breaking the law by discussing political issues from the pulpit in violation of the Johnson Amendment to the IRS Code which prohibits such speech.…
(Guest Commentary) Mike Farris – Citizens for Self-Governance – Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies, co-founder of the Convention of States Project Wayne Grudem’s argument (It is a morally valid choice to vote for Donald Trump) is largely based on his…
In a story reported in a recent edition of Atlantic, we learned about a new Pew Research Center survey that indicates a growing crime spree within the churches of America, particularly within black Protestant churches. Their crime? Exercising their First…
Left-wing Democrats have a well-established track record of rewriting history when the facts of the past conflict with their political agenda of the present — particularly when it comes to issues of sexual orientation and race. Harvey Milk, the first…
In the words of John McCain, “Allahu Akbar It’s Friday!” And of course that means it’s time for some conservative comedy. Every Friday we bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the…