What role will extraterrestrials play in FL-27 GOP primary?

When Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)—the first Cuban American ever elected to Congress—announced her plan to retire after thirty-five years in elected office, the GOP was faced with needing to find someone who could keep the seat from turning blue in November.

It could be argued that the Florida Congresswoman is a textbook example of what it means to be a RINO because she carries a 34% (F) Liberty Score. Her journey to the Dark (blue) Side was completed years ago, meaning that the seat hasn’t been red in a very long time, if ever.

In the Age of Trump where conservative values are no longer welcome, the job of finding a replacement for Ros-Lehtinen is a much easier task, but not so easy that they couldn’t use a little help if available.

Enter Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a Republican businesswoman who recently received the endorsement of the Miami Herald to be the new representative of Florida’s 27th congressional district. While short on experience when it comes to politics, Aguilera’s business experience is being touted as sufficient to do the job.

Now, why does that sound familiar?

But Aguilera has something else going for her that no other candidate running for the job has—a direct connection with a higher power.

No. Not God. That would be CA-RAZY!.

Aguilera says she was abducted by extraterrestrials when she was seven-years old, which is the same age she was when her family escaped Cuba and moved to the district she now wants to represent—coincidence?—and has kept in touch “telepathically” with the visitors she describes as three large blond beings reminiscent of “the concrete Christ in Brazil.”

Republicans are going to need all the extraterrestrial help they can get to save the seat: Trump suffered a YUGE defeat to Hillary in FL-27 (19 percentage points), the momentum building behind the Blue Tsunami has intensified, and the seat has historically flipped when there’s no incumbent running.

As the 2018 election enters the final stretch, the Democrat nominee will likely be the scandal-plagued former US Secretary of Health and Human Services under Bill Clinton, Donna Shalala. Meanwhile, the GOP frontrunner former journalist-turned-politician Maria Elvira Salazar who according to her challengers is an infiltrated Communist who has always favored Castro.

In an interview with the Miami Herald last year, Aguilera, who claims to be a Christian, said her alien abductors taught her many things, including:

  • There are 30,000 skulls — “different from humans” — in a cave in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
  • The world’s “energy center” is in Africa.
  • The Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade, is actually an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
  • “God is a universal energy.”

Aguilera also said she believes that there’s “intelligent life” in outer space, and I hope she’s right because there certainly isn’t much of it on this planet … at least when it comes to the GOP.



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on NOQReport.com.

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