Trump and the GOP will cave on Pelosi’s $3 trillion HEROES Act

No doubt you’ve heard by now about Nancy Pelosi’s Helping Emergency Responders Overcome Emergency Situations (HEROES) Act, a $3 trillion, 1800-page coronavirus bailout/stimulus proposal scheduled for one of Congress’ classic “pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it” votes on Friday.

While we don’t know everything there is to know about the HEROES Act, we have enough information to know it’s loaded with a myriad of carve-outs that have little to do with helping emergency responders and everything to do with funneling money to special interests . . . and buying votes. A few examples are:

  • $900 billion for state bailouts
  • $75 billion for mortgage bailouts with a ban on foreclosures (incentivizing borrowers to just stop paying their mortgage)
  • $100 billion for renter bailouts with a ban on evictions (incentivizing renters to just stop paying their rent)
  • $25 billion for the U.S. Postal Service
  • $100 billion bailout for schools — even schools that didn’t lose money
  • Another round of $1200 checks for adults even if they didn’t lose income, plus $1200 per child

I know there are those of you who are thinking, “damn Democrats.” But as I pointed out in yesterday’s article about the push for a Universal Basic Income, Republicans are working hand-in-hand with Democrats to use coronavirus hysteria as leverage to pass the socialist agenda of the Far-Left.

The HEROES Act will be no exception to the rule, despite the early protestations of Donald Trump and his mouthpiece in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.

How do we know this to be true?

Because, as Daniel Horowitz points out, Trump and the GOP have already helped pass a law similar to the HEROES Act when they caved to Democrats with the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act a few months ago. Additionally, Trump’s key negotiator on stimulus spending, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, is dismissing concerns about how coronavirus stimulus legislation is exploding the national debt.

According to Mnuchin, record-breaking spending on coronavirus stimulus is no big deal because “interest rates are very low,” totally ignoring the economic reality that deficits and the massive national debt are the primary reason for the lethargic growth we’ve been experiencing due to Washington’s spending addiction.

Immediately after the CARES Act was signed into law, McConnell began discussions with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi about the need for another coronavirus stimulus bill “big and bold” enough to address what they “got wrong” in previous legislation. At the same time that these discussions were underway, Trump tweeted out a call for an additional $2 trillion stimulus package to finance so-called infrastructure improvements.

Though the final version will most likely look a bit different after “negotiations” are completed, Trump and the GOP will eventually join Democrats to pass the HEROES Act. You can bank on it!


*UPDATE – The HEROES Act has been renamed and is now called the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act.” The name may be changed, but the substance of the bill remains the same.


David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable and promotes conservative principles over political parties.

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