The mess of borders and Constitutional powers

I continue our discussion on how the conservative legal movement is not only wrong about the power of the courts, but is pushing certain judicial nominees who are part of the problem.

Next, I address the congressional resolution of disapproval on Trump’s emergency declaration. A lot of people don’t realize that Congress actually originally had the power to veto such a declaration without needing the president’s signature. Yet we allowed the courts to nullify it. Now the same people who complain about the president’s power and are begging the courts to nullify it originally allowed the courts to nullify their own power. Why do people only question presidential authority, but not judicial authority?

Finally, a lightning round of important news you might have missed on all fronts.



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Daniel Horowitz is a Senior Editor at Conservative Review, a conservative writer, and a policy analyst focusing on the hot-button issues in Congress. He is the author of the book, Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America.

Follow Daniel on Twitter: @RMConservative

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