The Covestapo says COVID vaccine booster shots are the new standard, wants to make them mandatory
According to the Covestapo, COVID vaccine booster shots are now considered the new standard before they consider the commoners to be fully vaccinated, and they’re planning to make them mandatory to ensure full compliance.
Remember two years ago when we were told that all we needed to beat coronavirus was two weeks to flatten the curve? Yeah, me too!
In a pre-taped interview that aired at the 2021 STAT Summit, Covestapo leader Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed what he considers the impending need for hundreds of millions of Americans to roll up their sleeves and get their COVID booster shot — calling it the new standard for being fully vaccinated (via New York Post):
“I happen to believe as an immunologist and infectious disease person that a third-shot boost for an mRNA [vaccine] … should be part of the actual standard regimen, where a booster isn’t a luxury,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases reportedly said.
“A booster isn’t an add-on and a booster is part of what the original regimen should be. So that when we look back on this, we’re going to see that boosters are essential for an optimal vaccine regimen,” Fauci told the audience
The guidance from the president’s chief medical adviser came as Moderna filed an application with the FDA seeking emergency use authorization for vaccine booster shots for all US residents 18 and older. Pfizer last week asked federal regulators to expand its booster shot eligibility to all Americans.
Fauci had said over the summer he was “certain” Americans would need additional doses of COVID-19 vaccines. (emphasis mine)
This isn’t the first time the Covestapo has suggested the necessity of COVID booster shots. In an appearance on CBS’ Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan last month, Herr Fauci suggested that they were a necessary step to ensure a safe holiday season:
BRENNAN: But we can gather for Christmas, or it’s just too soon to tell?
FAUCI: You know, Margaret, it’s just too soon to tell. We’ve just got to — concentrating on continuing to get those numbers down. . . .
FAUCI: . . . and not try to jump ahead by weeks or months and say what we’re going to do at a particular time. Let’s focus like a laser on continuing to get those cases down. And we can do it by people getting vaccinated and also, in the situation where boosters are appropriate, to get people boosted, because we know that they can help greatly in diminishing infection and diminishing advanced disease, the kinds of data that are now accumulating in real time. (emphasis mine)
But the leader of the Covestapo wasn’t finished with his COVID vaccine/booster diatribe.
Calling every American a “member of society,” Fauci further stated in different interview that “reaping the benefits of that society” requires making sacrifices for the greater good of society as a whole. You know, kind of like Marx’s “from each according to his ability”:
“There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society.”
Will the Covestapo actually try to make COVID booster shots mandatory? Undeniably, YES! Fauci has repeatedly supported vaccine mandates for children (science doesn’t support vaccinating children) and adults since the first of the year:
- January 2021 – Fauci told the media that vaccines may be required by some businesses, for overseas travel; and when it comes to schools, he said, “Everything’s on the table.”
- August 2021 – “I believe that mandating vaccines for children to appear in school is a good idea,” Fauci told CNN’s “State of the Union” program.
- November 2021 – Fauci said part of the solution to reducing the virus’ spread “is to have many, many more mandates.”
Just like the Gestapo had it’s einsatzgruppen (local deployment groups, task forces) to implement their deadly agenda, the Covestapo has its own version of local support.
For example, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) said earlier this week that being fully vaccinated against COVID requires having the vaccine booster shot, and she’s ready to make them mandatory to ensure compliance with the wishes of the Covestapo (via AP News):
Going a step beyond federal guidance, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham said Wednesday that she believes being fully vaccinated means three shots and she pushed for all adults in her state who are eligible to get their boosters.
She made the comments during a virtual pandemic briefing, citing the increasing number of COVID-19 infections among residents who received their vaccinations more than six months ago.
“We know vaccinations are the most effective tool to both blunting the spread of the virus and to protecting ourself and our families,” she said. “So we are analyzing what we can do to create those incentives — and potentially mandates — for making sure that people are fully vaccinated, which means three vaccines.”
Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. David Scrase said discussions are underway about changing the definition of what it means to be fully vaccinated and that he expects a new public health order to be rolled out in the coming weeks. (emphasis mine)
Another local support group of the Covestapo is led by Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont. “We’re 11 months into the vaccination program. In my view, if you were vaccinated more than six months ago, you’re not fully vaccinated,” Lamont said Wednesday while urging people to get vaccinated, NBC Connecticut reported.
From the very beginning of the so-called pandemic, I’ve attempted to get people to see how Fauci and others were using coronavirus hysteria as a perfect “never let a crisis go to waste” opportunity to spread tyranny and create a full-blown police state.
It’s an indisputable fact that COVID tyranny has grown during this so-called pandemic. And as Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor, Anthony Fauci is leading the Covestapo in its war against liberty by pushing to make COVID vaccine booster shots mandatory.
And you thought the liberty we lost post-9/11 was bad.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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