Tag: Syria

No pin pricks in the war on energy

Look closely at the energy-related news stories of the past dozen or so days, and, between the lines, you’ll see a theme: government makes predictions and assertions that cannot be backed up by data to protect or project preferred messaging.…

Conservative Comedy 9/20/13

As John McCain would say, Allahu Akbar It’s Friday! That means it’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best Conservative political satire on the internet, sure to provide…

Conservative Comedy 9/13/13

OK, I know using an “ark” when it rains excessively is an old joke, but since it’s been raining excessively, I’m old, and my political enemies call me a joke, I went with it.   As John McCain would say, Allahu Akbar It’s Friday! That…

Conservative Comedy 9/6/13

It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best Conservative political satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend. Obama didn’t care about Assad killing…