Tag: Democrats

Is Scott Walker moving right on immigration?

Gov. Scott Walker is in trouble with the liberal media and the Republican establishment for suggesting that the well-being of American workers, not foreign workers, should be a priority for any immigration reform proposal. Good for him! Any presidential candidate…

Ted Cruz was right about Net Neutrality

Do you remember several years ago during the Obamacare debates when those who opposed it warned of higher prices, less access, and too much government control? Do you remember how Obama promised the opposite with lower prices, greater access, and…

Jabba the Hutt would love Harry Reid

Are you a fan of Star Wars movies? Do you remember the scene in Star Wars IV: A New Hope where Obi-Wan Kenobi describes the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine like this…? If George Lucas changed the name of Tattooine to America, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s description…

1.6 million letters tell Congress to stop ObamaNet

About a month ago, George Soro’s financially backed plan to see government control of the internet became a reality when the FCC announced its Net Neutrality regulations. These new rules altered the Title II of the Communications Act and created an environment that makes…

Net Neutrality: Another step closer to tyranny

Obama’s tried it before and failed, but when you’re a dictator on a mission to fundamentally transform America, you don’t let something so petty as a court decision stop you from trying again. Of course, we’re talking about Net Neutrality…