‘Pro-life’ Republicans financiers of harvesting organs of aborted babies

Abortion organ harvesting aborted babies

According to recently released internal documents, the federal government provided millions of dollars in taxpayer money to researchers who sought out aborted minority babies — from 6 weeks gestation to full-term — for the purpose of harvesting their organs.

Specifically, the documents exposed an arrangement between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the University of Pittsburgh (via The Washington Free Beacon):

The University of Pittsburgh targeted minorities in its request for infant organs—including those taken from full-term babies—to create a “pipeline” for fetal research. Researchers said they needed 50 percent of the donated fetuses to be minorities and specified that 25 percent must come from black women. The Pittsburgh metropolitan area is 85 percent white and 8 percent black. Researchers stressed the importance of maintaining organ blood flow in the request, which watchdogs say could violate federal law by asking doctors to illegally preserve organs during labor-inducing abortions.

The National Institutes of Health has overseen experiments on fetal organs at the University of Pittsburgh since 2015 in what the school claimed to be a “tissue hub.” Aborted babies used in this research ranged from 6 to 42 weeks of gestation, according to government documents. The grant request from the university to the government agency redacts key information, including how many fetuses were obtained and who provided them. Its language, however, raised troubling questions.

The fetal research focused on harvested kidneys. The University of Pittsburgh said fetuses should have minimized “warm ischemic time”—a medical term to describe the time that an organ is without blood flow. It also lists “labor induction” as a utilized abortion procedure to obtain the organs.”

There’s the distinct possibility that some of these babies are born alive and then their organs and tissues are removed,” Dr. David Prentice, vice president and research director of the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, told the Free Beacon. “This is horrific—almost medieval.”

The University of Pittsburgh has been involved in fetal organ research for more than a decade. It conducted an experiment in 2020 that implanted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto lab mice in a study that was funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The grant proposal boasts of the institution’s experience handling a variety of fetal organs, including the liver, heart, legs, brain, kidneys, and bladders. The university outlined its goal of becoming a “pipeline” for fetal organ research, which would mean not only conducting this research but providing organs for other institutions to experiment on.(emphasis mine)

A few things jump out at me: The targeting of minorities for abortion, the involvement of the NIH, and the pro-life Republicans who became the financiers of harvesting the organs of aborted babies.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of the American Birth Control League which later became Planned Parenthood was an adherent of eugenics as a way to eliminate the “unfit” by preventing them from being born.

The eugenics movement aimed to improve the genetic composition of the human race. The use of the word — it means “well-born” — originated in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton, a British scholar and cousin of Charles Darwin. It was Galton’s belief that the condition of the human race could be improved via the selective breeding of individuals possessing desired traits. This is commonly referred to as “positive eugenics.”

Sanger was a believer in “negative eugenics” and used it as a basis to create what would become Planned Parenthood. In her rejection of positive eugenics, Sanger connected birth control and eugenics when she wrote:

“Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit. Both are seeking a single end but they lay emphasis upon different methods. Eugenics without Birth Control seems to us a house builded upon the sands. It is at the mercy of the rising stream of the unfit.”

In the 1930’s, Margaret Sanger created the “Negro Project“ — designed to “kill off the black race” — and her ideas on eugenics inspired Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, culminating in the slaughter of over six million Jews.

During the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, Planned Parenthood — 78 percent of their clinics are located in minority communities — experienced a moment of “wokeness” in order to correct the “historical reproduction harm” it has caused in communities of color. So, to make up for the slaughter of millions of unborn black babies, and faced with the inconvenient truth that Margaret Sanger wanted to use abortion to “exterminate the Negro population,” Planned Parenthood elected to remove her name from a Manhattan clinic.

In the world of Planned Parenthood, black lives matter . . . just not unborn black lives.

The the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been in the business of harvesting aborted-baby body organs for years, thanks in large part to so-called pro-life Republicans.

Since its legalization in 1993, Human Fetal Tissue Research has led to enormous controversy and partisan debate. The statute legalized the use of aborted fetal tissue for various research and experiments. Yet, in the months leading up to the 2016 election, we learned of the moral and legal implications of harvesting aborted-baby organs.

In 2015, the anti-abortion group, Center for Medical Progress, provided undercover-video evidence of Planned Parenthood facilities harvesting baby parts for profit. This led to the Republican-controlled House opening an investigation into fetal tissue research. The result of the investigation yielded a termination of contract between FDA and Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. and an audit by HHS of all department contracts that involve human fetal tissue.

When Republicans were handed the trifecta of power in 2016, it was based in large part one the bold campaign promise to defend life, beginning with defunding Planned Parenthood. Not only did Republicans fail, they increased funding to Planned Parenthood, making it possible for them to set a baby-killing record in 2019-2020.

In 2017, pro-life Republicans paid a lot of lip service about barring funding for NIH fetal tissue research. But instead, they extended the spending levels into the 2018 budget year through continuing resolution without controversial policy riders.

In September 2018, Health and Human Services began auditing all research involving human fetal tissue at the urging of the pro-life community who was rightfully angered by legislation that fully funded Planned Parenthood and human fetal tissue research.

In late September 2018, Republicans on Capitol Hill passed and Donald Trump signed HR 6157; which provided expanded funding for human fetal tissue research and Planned Parenthood operations. The National Institute of Health estimated that it spent $81 million on fetal tissue research in 2018. To put it into perspective, that is more than the $79 million spent on human fetal tissue research in 2010, when Obama governed with a full Democrat majority in Congress.

In 2019, after a month-long government shutdown over wall funding, Donald Trump conceded to the House Democrat majority without a penny for the wall and signed a CR that continues to fully fund Planned Parenthood and human fetal tissue research through mid-February. No date has been offered for a public review of the ongoing HHS audit. And still, no legislation has been offered by Republicans to defund Planned Parenthood or human fetal tissue research.

The pro-life, conservative, Christian community suffered great losses at the hands of Trump a Republican Party. And having replaced conservatism with nationalism, these losses have made even so-called pro-life Republicans the financiers of harvesting the organs of aborted babies.


David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.

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