Jan Brewer sells religious freedom to the highest bidder


Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has vetoed Senate Bill 1062, a bill that would have  allowed businesses, such as wedding photographers and wedding cake bakers, to  assert their religious beliefs in rejecting participation in same-sex wedding events. While she claims to have lamented over how the bill “could divide Arizona in ways we cannot even imagine and no one would ever want,” her true motivation really boiled down to simple dollars and cents.

This bill was never about discrimination; it was about religious freedom. Due to her pathetically weak “leadership” on the issue, Brewer allowed the the pro-homosexual lobby to turn this into an “anti-gay” discussion. A group of bipartisan law professors presented Brewer a letter that made this contention while asking her to consider the measure for what it was . . . not what it wasn’t.

Brewer wasn’t alone in her vacillation. Several sponsors of the bill channeled their inner John Kerry by voting for the measure and then voting against it, along with Senator Jeff Flake—whose last name becomes more appropriate the longer he serves—and the recently censured, but still a lifetime member of the G.O.P. Hall of Shame, John McCain. Even Mitt Romney encouraged Brewer to veto the bill. And as we all know, nobody knows how to win like Mitt.

But the some of the greatest opposition came from the business community, including Apple, American Airlines, AT&T, Intel, and the National Football League. Under the mistaken, but politically-correct perception that this was an anti-gay bill, extreme pressure was put on Brewer to veto the bill, with the NFL even threatening to move Super Bowl XLIX, which is scheduled to come to Arizona next season.

Many in the LGBT community tried to draw a parallel to the Jim Crow laws used to force segregation of blacks from the 1880s to the 1960s. This was perhaps the biggest lie told about the legislation, as is the lie that homosexual issues are a matter of civil rights—a point of view not held by a majority of black pastors. And it’s this last point that brings us to the real motivation behind the pro-homosexual agenda.

As I have documented in a previous article, the real intent of the movement isn’t to protect the civil rights of sexual deviants. Homosexuals don’t want a “live and let live” society, and they aren’t asking for tolerance. They are demanding acceptance and endorsement, regardless of religious objections. And this from the article, Gay Power vs. Religious Liberty:

“The legal struggle for queer rights will one day be a struggle between  freedom of religion versus sexual orientation.” – Canadian lesbian lawyer  Barbara Finlay, quoted by columnist John Leo and Janet Folger (Porter), “The  Criminalization of Christianity”

There is a war between homosexual “rights” and Americans’ religious and First  Amendment freedoms – and the “gay” activists are winning.

The “zero-sum game” is how homosexual activist law professor and Obama EEOC  (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) appointee Chai Feldblum describes the  legal battles between modern “rights” based on homosexual “orientation” (read:  behavior) and the traditional American principle of religious liberty.

“Gays win, Christians lose,” Feldblum said, predicting homosexuals would win  most of the legal contests. She is proving to be correct, as the news for  Americans with traditional values gets worse by the year, due to rapidly  escalating homosexual and transgender activist power in the legal, cultural,  political and corporate arenas.

When you consider Feldblum’s statements, I found it very interesting to read that one of the reasons Brewer gave for her veto was due to the fact that this wasn’t an issue “currently in Arizona.” Apparently, Governor Brewer likes the reactive instead of proactive approach to leadership. Way to look out for your constituents, Jan! I’m sure these experts in the movement will leave Arizona alone now.

In her veto letter to the legislature, Brewer stated that “religious liberty is a core American and Arizona value.” While trying to sound Constitutional, she really missed the mark. Religious liberty isn’t a value, it’s a right!

And in Jan Brewer’s world, it’s a right that she’s willing to sell to the highest bidder.


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