GOP congressman wants jail time for political activists

Lately, it seems like our tyrannical overlords in Washington masquerading as representatives of the American people just can’t get enough when it comes to finding new ways to chip away at our constitutional rights in the name of safety. Using headline-grabbing tragedies to justify their actions, politicians in both parties continue moving us ever closer to becoming a post-constitutional America.

We used to believe that so-called conservatives within the GOP would be like the story of the little Dutch boy, sticking their finger in the cracks of the constitutional dam that protects our republic from the flood waters of despotism and tyranny. Instead, men and women sworn to protect and defend the Constitution pass laws and advance agendas that serve as the dynamite that blows the dam to smithereens.

With Republicans running the whole show, we’ve witnessed this disregard of the Constitution in every branch of the federal government.

Donald Trump attacks the First Amendment with his claims of “Fake News;” attacks the Second Amendment with threats to cease guns without due process; attacks the Fourth Amendment by renewing FISA702; and attacks the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments by expanding civil forfeiture laws along with his gun seizure without due process threat.

Republicans in Congress have played its part over the years as bills have been introduced or passed into law, attacking the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments. And the federal courts have become a source of judicial tyranny, most recently in the Masterpiece Cakeshop decision regarding freedom of religion.

But as I stated in the beginning of this piece, Washington is always on the lookout for new ways to destroy liberty.

In a bill titled the Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018 (HR 6054), Representative Dan Donovan (R-NY) is proposing 15-year jail sentences for wearing a mask while injuring, oppressing, threatening, or intimidating someone else who is exercising their constitutional rights.

While appearing to address criminal activity, the title of the bill reveals its true intent — shutting down a specific group of political activists who happen to oppose the GOP.

This measure is troubling due to its clear intention of silencing political opposition, but it’s also troubling for its vagueness. For example, who will decide what constitutes threatening or intimidating behavior?

In a statement confirming his biased motivation, Donovan said, “Americans have the natural right to speak and protest freely; it is not a right to throw Molotov cocktails and beat people while hiding behind a mask.”

Maybe I’m not as smart as Mr. Donovan, but I’m pretty sure people who don’t wear masks aren’t allowed to do those things either.

I’m not fan of Antifa, and I certainly don’t condone violence, but I absolutely oppose efforts by the government to keep me safe in exchange for my freedom. That’s takes us down the road to government oppression and tyranny.

For those who think I exaggerate, let me remind you of what happened after 9/11. Liberty died that day as the government used the tragic events of that day to create the TSA and expand NSA spying. It gave us the Patriot Act and Patriot Act II. And it transformed government of, by, and for the people into government over, above, and beyond the people.

These post 9/11 laws were supposed to be temporary, but as we learned from non-conservative Republicans like Rep. Steve King (NY) following a pipe bomb incident in December 2017, the only answer to terrorism and violence is throwing away the Constitution and letting Big Brother do whatever he wants in the name of safety.

As a Constitutional conservative, my attitude about liberty is the same as Thomas Jefferson: “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”


David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on, and

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