Good news for Democrats, McConnell and McCarthy still lead Republicans
One of the first orders of business in Washington following national elections is for the Republican/Democrat duopoly to pretend there’s a difference between the two parties when they choose their leadership. But as conservatives know all-too-well, there is no difference, which is why Republicans chose to nominate Kevin McCarthy for reelection to lead the party in the House and retaining Mitch McConnell to lead the Senate.
Despite their failure to deliver the “red wave” election predicted by the Trumpists at FOX News — Trump-aligned candidates lost or underperformed bigly — Republicans decided to maintain the status quo, and that’s good news for Democrats.
After running on a promise to immediately address issues like inflation, COVID tyranny, rising crime, and border security, House Republicans used their first news conference after clinching the majority to announce their top priority: investigating Hunter Biden and the Justice Department.
Clearly, real issues aren’t all that important to Trump’s rebranded Republican Party. Instead, Trumpist Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan have decided partisan politics is more important than addressing policy. Who cares about real issues when you can spend your time pleasing Trump and his sycophantic followers? (via National Review)
At a press conference held on Thursday morning, Representatives James Comer (R., Ky.) and Jim Jordan (R., Ohio) announced that House Republicans would be opening up an investigation to determine the extent of President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business dealings.
According to Comer and Jordan, Republicans have already gathered incriminating evidence of wire fraud, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, money laundering, and tax evasion, among other crimes allegedly committed by the Bidens. Jordan, who is expected to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee now that Republicans have secured a narrow majority in the chamber, plans to make the Biden’s overseas business dealings a central focus of the committee’s oversight efforts in the new Congress.
“As part of our investigation, we have evidence that the finances, credit cards, and bank accounts of Hunter and Joe Biden were co-mingled, if not shared. And on some accounts at least, red flags were raised by banks to the account owner or owners indicating suspicious or illegal activity,” said Comer, who also noted that Hunter Biden’s business associates met with his father on numerous occasions while Biden was serving as vice president.
House Republicans followed up the press conference by releasing a report Thursday that outlines their past and future investigative efforts.
“The President’s personal participation in his family’s global business ventures — committed through and by a complex network of relatives and associates to enrich the Biden family — has exposed the United States to national security risks that could be leveraged by our enemies to undermine the Office of the President,” the report reads.
Is it just me, or does that last paragraph above sound exactly like the accusations made against Donald Trump and defended by Jordan and the rest of the Trumpist Republican Party? Trump personally participated in the family business, and he used the presidency to make millions while in office. Trump used a complex network of relatives and associates to enrich the family. Trump exposed the United States to national security risks.
McConnell has made the debatable claim that Republicans did poorly in the midterms because of the number of MAGA candidates representing the party, but the truth of their dismal performance goes back to when he promised to “crush” conservatives until there wasn’t “a single nominee anywhere in the country” during the 2014 midterms. And during the 2018 midterms, Mickey teamed up with Donald Trump in an effort to wipe out conservatives who were insufficiently loyal to Dear Leader.
Meanwhile, Kevin McCarthy is promising the world to Trumpists in a desperate attempt to secure enough votes to win his race for Speaker in the new Republican-controlled House — a result that is less-than-certain.
The reason for the Republican Party’s dismal performance in 2022 — and pretty much every election since Ronald Reagan left office — is due to their abandonment of conservative values and their decision over the years to allow Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and previous House leaders John Boehner and Paul Ryan to lead them.
Faux conservatives within the Republican Party are ignorant about conservatism, and with the help of Trumpism and Nationalism, this has resulted in an unrecognizable version of conservatism where our values are routinely exchanged to curry favor with Democrats.
Christian conservative. Social conservative. Fiscal conservative. Libertarian conservative. These are just a few of the labels used by “moderate” Republicans to disguise the belief that it’s possible to conserve some things that are good for people while avoiding the bad.
Modifying the meaning of conservative by putting a qualifier in front of it is merely putting lipstick on a pig — a cosmetic change to disguise the true nature of the fake conservative. An example of what this looks like comes to us courtesy of the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA).
RMA is clearly unconstitutional, but so-called conservatives are trying to figure out a way to pass it anyway using amendments to “protect” religious liberty:
If a law is being passed that requires an "amendment" to protect the Bill of Rights, it's an unconstitutional law.
Making a carve out to "protect" liberty will fail. You know that's true, so stop playing footsie with tyrants and do something to stop it.
— StridentConservative (@StridentConserv) November 20, 2022
Conservatism is a way of life; it’s an unshakable commitment to the principles handed down to us in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution by the Founding Fathers — principles that have made America the greatest nation on earth for over 246 years.
Over the past many years, the definition of the conservative has been changed by Trumpist Republicans and Nationalists, giving us a mixed bag of socialism-friendly policies diametrically opposed to our values. And while there are those who claim that the day of the conservative has come and gone, the simple truth is genuine conservatism is the only hope America has left if she is to survive.
That hope, however, will go unrealized as long as the Republican Party continues supporting people like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy to lead the party as standard-bearers of conservative values, and that’s good news for Democrats and the far left.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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