Conservative Comedy Friday – Tax Day Classics edition

Welcome to Conservative Comedy Friday – Tax Day Classics edition. In recognition of this most dreaded day on the calendar, I went to the archives to bring you some Tax Day comedy sure to bring a smile to your face, or at least keep you from crying.

Monday next week is Tax Day, or as Washington likes to call it, Christmas!

Tax Day 2019 is providing an abundance of presents to Uncle Sam thanks to Trump’s imaginary tax cuts, although Trump and the GOP are simply proving the old adage that the only things certain in life are death and taxes. Unfortunately, the federal government is now responsible for both when you add the GOP’s failure to repeal Obamacare to so-called tax reform.

Anyway. It’s becoming abundantly clear that Trump’s tax cuts are more tax-y than cuts-y even though Republicans continue to insist they are the best ever. As we see in this classic song parody by Reason TV’s Remy, we’ve heard this lie before. Put aside your doubts long enough to check out his version of One Direction’s Best Song Ever – Tax Code Edition.


There’s no doubt about it, from the complexity of the tax code to needing to hire a professional to file your return — sometimes incorrectly — April 15th is simply a crappy day as we see in another classic song parody by Remy where he reworked the Pharrell Williams hit “Happy” for Tax Day.


Trump and the GOP haven’t only failed to cut taxes, they’ve also failed to cut spending. After promising to make smaller government a priority, Republicans — sometimes with help from Ivanka — continued finding new ways to spend the tax money Washington collects. Clearly, Uncle Sam has become America’s “sugar daddy.” In this classic song parody of Sammy Davis, Jr.’s Candy Man, Tim Hawkins tells how “the government takes everything we make to pay for all of their solutions.”


Have ever wondered how tax preparation employees unwind after Tax Day? They throw a crazy end-of-season party. In this classic from Studio C, we see how things can get pretty loco when these wild mathematicians let their hair down.


Happy Tax Day!


David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on

His daily radio commentary is distributed by the Salem Radio Network and can be heard on stations across America.

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