A few days ago, the Minnesota State Senate passed, and Gov. Tim Walz signed into law, the Trans Refuge Act, a piece of legislation that allows the state to remove children from parents opposed to the LGBT agenda — specifically…
As pro-LGBT forces march on in the culture war against morality and traditional family values, it has become abundantly clear that our children have become targets for indoctrination into a life of sexual deviance and abuse, and it’s happening in…
A Colorado Court of Appeals three-judge panel, all appointed by Democratic governors, ruled a few weeks ago in favor of the LGBT agenda and against religious liberty in a decision against Masterpiece Cakeshop and Jack Phillips, a Colorado Christian baker…
In what many on the left are calling “ironic timing” following the signing of the same-sex marriage law by Joe Biden, the Log Cabin Republicans held a “Spirit of Lincoln” gala in the main ballroom of the Mar-a-Lago resort to…
The LGBT agenda has never been about so-called equality or civil rights. Instead, it’s been part of a culture war dedicated to the incremental and complete destruction of morality and faith along with the normalization of their deviant lifestyle as…
The U.S. military is experiencing a steep decline in recruitment, and while the far-left has suggested that things like the “end” of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are responsible, the simple truth is Joe Biden, the Pentagon, and the…
When it comes to the sexual exploitation and abuse of children, the pro-LGBT changes Joe Biden made to Title IX stand to destroy the next generation in ways unimaginable only a few years ago. But for him to succeed, he…