Month: January 2012

H.R. 3261, S.O.P.A.

███ █████ War █████ ████ ███ ███ is peace. █ ████ ██Freedom ██is███ ███ █████ slavery. █████ █████Ignorance████ █████is██ █ strength███! ███ █████ █ ████ All ██ ████████ █████Hail██████Big███ ███Brother███! ██ ████Obey! **Parts of this comment have been found in…

Mitt, We Have A Problem

Dear Mitt, Congratulations on winning the Iowa Caucus! I know you have worked long and hard for the Republican Presidential Nomination. On the night of the caucuses, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS), was heard…