With help from the GOP, Democratic Socialism marches on

Democratic Socialism is definitely the future of the Democrat party, and since there aren’t any Republicans standing against it, it’s most likely to be the future of America as well.

From their calls to nationalize health care to repealing the Second Amendment, Democrats have fully embraced the ideals of dictators like Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, and Chairman Mao. And while it’s become a game of sorts to ridicule them for their socialist ideals, Democrats are succeeding in moving the agenda in their favor.

Back in May, four openly socialist candidates supported by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) won their primaries in Pennsylvania state House races. Feeling the shift in momentum, Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee Keith Ellison—a big fan of the DSA—took the opportunity to promote the idea of giving the government power to regulate the pay structure of private companies, particularly CEO compensation.

So, it came as no surprise last week when Massachusetts Senator and possible 2020 presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren one-upped Ellison by proposing legislation that would result in the largest government seizure of private property in human history.

Introduced as the Accountable Capitalism Act, Warren’s bill would place all businesses earning over $1 billion in revenue under complete and total government control. If it becomes law, the Federal Government would control board membership, compensation practices, personnel policies, and much more of private enterprise.

While Warren’s proposal isn’t likely to go anywhere currently, proposing ideas like this one is a classic long-game strategy. If she runs in 2020, Warren will have an agenda item to woo the growing number of voters who favor socialism over capitalism. If she doesn’t run, she has laid the foundation of the Democrat agenda for 2018 and 2020 when Congress isn’t likely to still be under GOP control.

Unfortunately, even if the GOP remains the majority party, the advance of socialism still stands about a 50/50 chance of succeeding.

Trump won’t do anything to stop it. Besides his Bernie Sanders 2.0 policies and his lifelong status as a NY liberal, Trump celebrated the primary victory of Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over 10-term NY Rep. Joe Crowley because he was a “Big Trump Hater.”

GOP socialism has been standard fare ever since Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove teamed up to destroy Reagan conservatives in 2014. And with Trumpservatives replacing what little remains of the conservative movement, we are beginning to see the rise of what I’m calling Conservative Socialism where ideas like big-government single-payer health care are now being promoted as conservative ideals.

Though some may call it hyperbole, I will say once again that the United Socialist States of America is closer than we realize.



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on NOQReport.com.

His daily radio commentary is distributed by the Salem Radio Network and is heard on stations across America.

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