There’s nothing ‘Christian’ about Christian Nationalism
One of the ways Donald Trump has destroyed conservatism is by rebranding it as “America First” nationalism, a rebranding so successful that it has been instrumental in the creation of what some are calling “Christian Nationalism.”
Unfortunately, there is nothing Christian about it.
Late in 2019, I documented how Trump’s brand of nationalism had taken over the Republican Party and how it was touted as patriotic and conservative when, in reality, it was being used as cover to spread racism and socialism. Later, I documented how far down the nationalist rabbit hole some Trumpist Republicans were willing to go after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gave a keynote address at the 2022 National Conservatism Conference ahead of launching his failed 2024 campaign for president.
So, it was inevitable that, in an age where the evangelical leaders I refer to as the Fellowship of the Pharisees have abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ for a seat of power at Trump’s table, we are witnessing the next phase of the nationalist evolution: Christian Nationalism.
Basically speaking, Christian nationalism is the belief that America is defined by Christianity, that Christianity should be given preferential treatment, and that government should be empowered to do whatever is necessary to promote it. While Christianity’s role in the forming of America can be argued, the belief that our government should be used in such a manner runs diametrically opposite to what the Founding Fathers believed. Consider these quotes by Patrick Henry:
Religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence…
Bad men cannot make good citizens. A vitiated state of morals, a corrupted public conscience are incompatible with freedom. (Emphasis mine)
One of the bases for America’s independence from King George was his abuse of power as the leader of a theocratic monarchy (kings were considered “anointed by God” to rule). Still, Christian Nationalism is gaining momentum in the Age of Trump.
Gab, the social media site founded in 2016 as an alternative to sites like Facebook and X as a place where free speech was protected, has embraced Trump and Christian Nationalism. Gab’s founder, Andrew Torba, has even written a book designed to be a guide through the world of Christian nationalism titled Christian Nationalism: A Biblical Guide for Taking Dominion and Discipling Nations.
“Christian nationalism is a spiritual, political, and cultural movement comprised of Christians who are working to build a Christian society grounded in a Biblical worldview,” Torba and Isker write, adding that Christian nationalists today “seek to reestablish states that recognize Jesus Christ as King, the general Christian faith as the foundation of state government, and state laws that reflect (in every way possible and reasonable) Christian morality and charity.” (Emphasis mine)
In my soon-to-be-released book, The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty, I document how the Christian faith influenced our nation’s founding, and I boldly declare my Christian constitutional conservative principles and the need for America to return to them. However, when these principles get twisted into an excuse to spread religious tyranny and destroy liberty — which is the inevitable outcome of Christian Nationalism — a line has been crossed.
Nationalism, by definition, is un-Christian. When nationalists set out to construct a nation, one of the first things they need to do is decide who is and isn’t part of it. We need look no further than Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany to see how that can turn out.
As the Fellowship of the Pharisees has repeatedly shown us, Christian Nationalists are blatantly hypocritical when it comes to the “values” they want government to force on the nation — particularly when it comes to their unconditional and open support of Donald Trump — as we see in this excerpt from an op-ed written by Lisa Lawrence, a retired teacher from Tulsa, for The Oklahoman newspaper explaining why she is no longer a Republican (via The Oklahoman):
Donald Trump took over the Republican Party by emboldening people based on who they hate and what they fear. He has brought out the very worst in us collectively — January 6th was unthinkable, but it is just one of the many new lows we have reached since Trump emerged on the political scene.
Trump followers don’t deny that he spoke of grabbing women by their genitals. They excuse it.
Trump followers don’t condemn him for inciting racists and telling the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” They endorse it with their silence and their votes.
If they are following the 10 Commandments, Christians who support Trump hold their children to a higher standard than they hold their presidential candidate.
Trump supporters typically claim to be patriots but continue to support an egotistical man whose self-serving actions tear at the very fabric of American Democracy. (Emphasis mine)
The ignorance of the Christian Nationalist agenda is breathtaking because it will destroy true Freedom of Religion while simultaneously granting government power to mandate Christianity and ultimately determine what is or isn’t “Christian.” (via Christianity Today):
Christian nationalism tends to treat other Americans as second-class citizens. If it were fully implemented, it would not respect the full religious liberty of all Americans. Empowering the state through “morals legislation” to regulate conduct always carries the risk of overreaching, setting a bad precedent, and creating governing powers that could be used later against Christians.
Christian nationalism takes the name of Christ for a worldly political agenda, proclaiming that its program is the political program for every true believer. That is wrong in principle, no matter what the agenda is, because only the church is authorized to proclaim the name of Jesus and carry his standard into the world. It is even worse with a political movement that champions some causes that are unjust, which is the case with Christian nationalism and its attendant illiberalism. In that case, Christian nationalism is calling evil good and good evil; it is taking the name of Christ as a fig leaf to cover its political program, treating the message of Jesus as a tool of political propaganda and the church as the handmaiden and cheerleader of the state. (Emphasis mine)
Christian Nationalism will be official policy under a second Donald Trump term courtesy of his former Office of Management and Budget director Russell Vought. Vought’s Center for Renewing America think tank has emerged as the leader in a “conservative consortium preparing for a second Trump term.” The CRA has worked to “elevate Christian nationalism as a focal point in a second Trump term” thanks in large part to Vought.
I'm proud to work with @William_E_Wolfe on scoping out a sound Christian Nationalism. Both he & @wokal_distance are VFs @amrenewctr. @ConceptualJames is there no room for Christians who are also nationalists to be in an anti-woke coalition? My take below https://t.co/F55B8Ntqwn
— Russ Vought (@russvought) January 25, 2023
Most Christian Nationalists are also Trumpists who have merged Christianity and politics to the point that they equate Donald Trump to Jesus Christ while calling for the establishment of a de facto theocratic monarchy:
“Oh, President Trump is a convicted felon. Well, you want to know something? The man that I worship is also a convicted felon. And he was murdered on a Roman cross.” ~ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
“The church is supposed to direct the government.” ~ Rep. Lauren Boebert
The Republican Party has abandoned conservatism to embrace Trumpism and nationalism in a war on liberty. Christian Nationalists are doing the same thing . . . and there’s nothing “Christian” about that.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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