Tag: Sharia Law

A terrorism policy for patriots

There are two primary sources of terrorism in America today. Number one: Islam, in its fundamentalist version, is a primitive religion of hostility and violence that’s goal is to conquer the world by holy war. Number two: our constant meddling…

Is Muslim immigration a boon or bane?

Should it be permissible to freely choose who we like and dislike in life? To disparage certain religions because of their irrationality? To feel uncomfortable around two males kissing in public? To want to live among one’s own kind in…

The roots of Islamic fanaticism

“Know thy enemy,” said Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese military strategist of the 6th century B.C. Wise words, indeed, and we need to apply them toward the Islamist enemies we face today. What is it that motivates their fanaticism, their…

The “S” in Seattle stands for shariah

Cities across America have been adopting ordinances that protect their citizens from the steady spread of Shariah law, but not in Seattle. Mayor Ed Murray “wants to help Muslims” attain home ownership by offering Shariah-compliant loans. Murray was concerned that…