Tag: Progressives

Trump’s inauguration speech: The rise of FDR and the fall of Reagan

Many times, inauguration speeches have been memorable for the way they communicate the vision and hope of the new president for America. And while Trump’s address contained a few memorable lines, as a whole it was, as Ben Shapiro would observe, “…a populist brew of government interventionism, patriotic rhetoric, law and order toughness, protectionist economics, and isolationist foreign policy. It was politically brilliant, and it had little to do with conservatism.”

Obamacare lies, damned lies, and statistics

Almost a week ago, I wrote about how the Democrats were tripping over themselves in an effort to defend the free-market-busting bridge to a single-payer, government-run health care system passed into law under the Orwellian-sounding title of the Affordable Care…