GOP plays pro-life card in an election year bluff for votes

With another year of failure behind them and a midterm election ahead, the GOP is busy doing as it always does under such circumstances, squeezing a boatload of bills through Congress designed to give the appearance that they’re keeping their word to the conservative base of the party.

An ace-in-the-hole often played by the Gang Of Phonies when they are desperate for our cash and our votes is the pro-life card, which explains their plan to hold a show vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act (BAASA) later this week.

If passed, BAASA would allegedly protect infants delivered alive after a failed abortion which begs the question, if a failed abortion delivers a live baby and a successful abortion delivers a dead baby, isn’t abortion the very definition of premeditated murder?

Premeditated Murder: The term that is used to describe a murder that was planned in advance and was carried out willfully. – Black’s Law Dictionary

In 2002–strangely enough, another midterm election year–George W. Bush signed a similar bill called the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA). While the bill claimed to provide legal protection for an infant born alive after a failed abortion, BAIPA failed to provide penalties or enforcement mechanisms to punish violators.

Without those provisions, the law was meaningless and made it possible for a baby killer like Kermit Gosnell–who routinely murdered babies by severing their spinal cords with scissors through the back of the neck or drowning them in toilets after being born alive–to become a millionaire.

While it can be argued that BAASA might do some good, this is simply an election year ploy that falls woefully short of doing what’s necessary to end the abortion holocaust.

For example, there has been no advance of the “most pro-life platform in GOP history,” which included commitments to defund Planned Parenthood, ban dismemberment abortions, and pass a Human Rights Amendment to the Constitution. In fact, Trump and the GOP actually supported the abortion industry by passing three spending bills in 2017 that fully funded Planned Parenthood.

As a supporter of the Federalist Party and the Convention of States project, I see this charade as more proof that conservatives need to leave the GOP and join these movements. Only by reigning in the federal government and returning power to the states will we bring an end to this holocaust.

What difference could it make? Well, Indiana State Rep. Curt Nisly just introduced a bill that would completely ban abortion in the state. In Roe v. Wade America, his chances of success are somewhere between slim and none. But in Constitutional America, where “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people,” Nisly’s bill would likely succeed.

BAASA may or may not become law, but it’s nothing more than a lame attempt by RINOs to save their jobs. The lives of the unborn deserve better than this.


David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative, your source for opinion that’s politically incorrect and always “right.” His columns are featured on,, and

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