Conservative Comedy Friday – 10/19/18

Welcome to another edition of Conservative Comedy Friday, where we take a break to spend some time laughing at the crazy world we’re living in.

This week, we learned that the US budget deficit under Trump and the GOP climbed to $779 billion, the largest deficit since 2012, and that next year’s deficit is expected to reach nearly $1 trillion. Meanwhile, the national debt at the time of this article is over $21.6 trillion dollars, and growing.

In light of the exploding deficit that Mitch McConnell says isn’t the Republican’s fault, I went to the archives and found this recent parody of a Lady Gaga song called $20 Trillion Reasons by Reason TV’s Remy. The sad part is that even thought it’s not that old (we were at $20 trillion when Trump and the GOP were handed the keys to Washington), it’s already obsolete just two years later (we’re now approaching $22 trillion).

Though overpriced and politically liberal, I love Starbucks. I also love the video and cover of The Sounds of Silence by Disturbed. So, what do you get when you put those two loves together? You get a hilarious song parody done by Christian comedian Tim Hawkins. Check out The Sounds of Starbucks.

I recently discovered John Crist, a clean stand-up comic who often appears with Tim Hawkins. I shared a shorter version of this video a few months ago, but recently found the whole routine. Check out this bit from his John Crist: Live at Element Church performance where he talks about being homeschooled, child names, and pretty much anything else that enters his mind.

Have a great weekend!


David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on

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