In 2016, just weeks before the November election, I wrote a piece responding to the oft-repeated claim that Donald Trump was God’s man, and I concluded that perhaps he was — not for saving America as many evangelicals claimed, but…
As a constitutional conservative, I take great pleasure in exposing the rampant abuse of power displayed by tyrants in all three branches (executive, legislative, and judicial) and by every level (federal, state, and local) of government, particularly when their tyranny…
As his 2012 reelection campaign was heating up, Obama secured his good standing with feminists and Planned Parenthood by adding free contraception coverage to Obamacare. Under the mandate, health plans were required to to fully cover ANY and EVERY form…
The evolution from ignoring things done “between two consenting adults in private” to government-enforced mandatory acceptance of sexual deviancy has been occurring for decades, and the casualties left in the rubble of this persistent march toward Sodom have continued to…
Following last week’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling by Neil Gorsuch and five other justices occupying the bench of the “most conservative Supreme Court in history” that essentially rewrote Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to create an inalienable right to…
Yesterday, what some have called “the most conservative Supreme Court of all time” used a little judicial “abracadabra” to pull a non-existent inalienable right to transgenderism out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act hat. Additional decisions released yesterday…
The “Battle Hymn of the Republic” was written by Julia Ward Howe, a Unitarian who didn’t believe in the Trinity or the Deity of Jesus Christ. And even though it’s sung in Christian circles across America to feel more “patriotic,”…