Category: Religion

Gay Mafia whacks religious freedom in Indiana

After radical left-wing homosexual activists forced the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich a year ago, liberal atheist Bill Maher of the HBO television program Real Time With Bill Maher, said that he believes in the existence and power of what he called the “gay…

Love the Constitution? You’re a terrorist!

Do you feel like the government has been working overtime lately to limit your constitutional rights? Do you believe that the 2nd Amendment exists to protect patriots against an oppressive and tyrannical government? If you answered yes to these questions, Obama…

State Department’s bimbo diplomacy

If you look up the definition of the word “bimbo,” you will find that is means: an attractive, usually blonde, empty-headed woman. And if the dictionary includes a picture as an example, you might just find a snap shot of State…