Eugenics is a movement aimed at improving the genetic composition of the human race. The use of the word–it means “well-born”–originated in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton, a British scholar and the cousin of Charles Darwin, and it was Galton’s…
California recently became the first state to create a so-called “jobs program” for transgender people looking for work in the restaurant industry. The net result of the California Trans Workplace Project is the legal sanctioning of discrimination against job applicants…
When CoverGirl announced last week that they would be making James Charles the first male face of the company–calling him the first “CoverBoy”–it was hailed by CoverGirl ambassador and pop music star, Katy Perry, as another “proud” moment for the…
Did you know that global warming fanatics and the LGBT extremists have something in common? No, really. It’s true. Just as believers in man-caused global warming claim that the science proving their theory is settled, LGBT extremists claim that the…
If you’re old enough to remember the 1980’s, you may recall the numerous scandals brought to light involving several American evangelists, including such names as: Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Peter Popoff and Robert Tilton. While ungodly leaders and false prophets…
The second presidential debate took place last night, and, as expected, Trump defended his total lack of character by saying that Bill and Hillary are worse. And Hillary defended her total lack of character by saying the same thing about…
In 2013, years before the Obergefell v .Hodges Supreme Court decision that made same-sex marriage the so-called “law of the land,” a small family owned and operated bakery in Oregon refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian wedding…