Category: Conservative Comedy

Conservative Comedy 6/7/2013

It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As we do every week, we are proud to bring you the latest from Jodi Miller and Newsbusted, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change, and our newest contributor to party, Steven Crowder. The…

Conservative Comedy 5/31/13

It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As we do every week, we are proud to bring you the latest from Jodi Miller and Newsbusted, along with the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change. In addition, we are bringing…

Conservative Comedy 5/24/13

It’s Memorial Day weekend in America. Obama is still the President; Benghazi is still a cover-up; the IRS is still being used by the Administration to take out his political enemies; and the Department of Justice is still doing all it can to…