Just a few weeks ago, we learned that the FCC was proceeding with their 300 pages of regulations that essentially gave the government complete control over the internet while shutting down free speech. But did you know that ultra-liberal socialist…
Did you know that according to the Social Security Administration, there are more than 6.5 million Americans over the age of 112? If you think that number doesn’t sound right, you’d be right because it’s not true. After a man attempted…
After receiving an unheard-of amount of negative responses to the idea, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has decided to postpone their proposal to ban certain types of 5.56mm rounds, or .223 caliber, which is a type of ammunition…
In February, 2013, Mitch McConnell was enshrined into the Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame due to his track record of non-existent leadership when it came to dealing with the budget and the national debt. Well, in the words of the…
Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame member John Boehner’s reputation for pathetic leadership as Speaker of the House has been well-known since he took the gavel in 2010. It has been so weak that there was even a failed…
It’s Conservative Comedy time at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your…
“Hands up, don’t shoot” became the rallying cry of race-baiting liberal extremists after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. It was adopted by entertainers, professional athletes, make-believe journalists, and Democrats in Congress. But these words turned out to…