A gang of 20 senators (10 Democrats and 10 Republicans) struck a bipartisan gun control framework over the weekend, marking the official arrival of the Republican Party’s cave to the Far-Left’s anti-Second Amendment agenda. Not to say I told you…
Author: David Leach
Joe Biden raising income taxes on entrepreneurs, small-business owners
In Joe Biden’s America, not all ‘domestic terrorists’ are created equal
Let’s recap how Donald Trump tried to steal the 2020 election
Western Conservative Summit 2022: Still western and still not conservative
Anti-Second Amendment leftists will sue gun manufacturers out of business
Joe Biden wants to bring Canada’s handgun ban to America
Earlier this week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took his tyrannical reign up a level when he announced a plan to issue a handgun ban in Canada, and while no such plan has been announced in America, it’s an idea Joe…