There has been no lack of hysteria and extremist rhetoric coming from the defenders of a woman’s so-called right to murder her unborn child following the Supreme Court ruling to “overturn” that right, but the sad reality is the court…
In “honor” of the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the statute written to protect female students and school faculty from discrimination in education programs that receive federal financial assistance, Joe Biden proposed expanding it to promote the LGBT agenda and…
Congress recently reintroduced the Civics Secures Democracy Act, a bill that creates a de facto national curriculum in the areas of history and civics that federalizes teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Action Civics in every K-12 classroom in America.…
Barack Obama spent most of his time near the end of his presidency promoting the sexual abuse of children by exploiting the power of his office to force public schools into accepting transgender students as normal and mentally healthy, and…
Heralded as an event to empower “conservative activists to fight for their values at the polls and in the public arena” and “accelerate conservatives further down the road to majority in the 2022 midterm elections, Ralph Reed’s Faith & Freedom…
By now you’re probably aware that extreme risk protection orders, aka red flag laws, are foundational to the Far-Left gun control agenda to destroy the Second Amendment, but did you know that they plan to use red flag laws to…
After reviewing videos showing the sexualization and abuse of minors forced to attend a “child friendly” drag show held at a Dallas, TX, gay bar titled “Drag the Kids to Pride,” a Texas state representative announced plans to file legislation…