2018 Resolutions: Advance conservatism, Federalist Party, and Convention of States

With 2017 in the rearview mirror and the road ahead leading us to 2018, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months as we prepare to tackle the days ahead.

If you’re like me . . . you’re one lucky son-of-a-gun! But seriously, if you’re like me, I’m sure there are things in your life that didn’t go as planned in 2017. Still, it’s important to remember the good things and the true things God brought into your life as well.

Speaking from personal experience, I know that even when life doesn’t turn out as I had planned, God is still working all things together for my good. That’s true for you too! When we realize that God is on our side and we allow him to help us, we can face the future with confidence and hope.

I know it may sound a bit cliché, but 2018 stands to be the most important year of our lives for many reasons.

For example, 2018 is a mid-term election year with many of the same issues facing us as we’ve had in years past. Even though 2017 is the year we gave the GOP full control of Washington, the establishment repeatedly chose politics over principle as they broke their campaign promises in areas such as Obamacare repeal, fixing the illegal immigration problem, and getting the budget under control.

And now that Donald Trump and the GOP have passed so-called tax reform, these lying liars will try to turn their “accomplishment” into campaign donations and votes.

Though, it can be argued that Trump and the GOP have had some success in 2017, 2018 is shaping up to be a year of big-government spending on things like $1 trillion on infrastructure, a complete cave on illegal immigration by making DACA permanent, and a November election that strongly favors the Democrats.

As conservatives, we need to develop a steely resolve to be even more involved in 2018.

For me, I resolve to be more involved in the Federalist Party and the Article V Convention of States project. Additionally, I will do all I can to call out the blatant hypocrisy of the lying liars in Washington while simultaneously working to restore decency and morality in a society that has lost both.

Will you join me?


David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative, your source for opinion that’s politically incorrect and always “right.” His columns are featured on RedState.com, NOQReport.com, and TheResurgent.com.

His daily radio commentary is nationally syndicated with Salem Radio Network and can be heard on stations across America.

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