The American founders were extremely cautious of setting up a government with too many democratic principles. Why? They wanted to avoid, at all costs, mob rule and the tyranny it brings. So, let’s take a moment today to look at…
So, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but radicals seem to be engaging in an all out attempt to erase American history. Take for instance the American Museum for Natural History deciding to remove a statue of Theodore Roosevelt or…
I feel torn between concerns as I watch the rioting around the country as well as the police marching the streets. On one hand, the rioters are wreaking havoc, destroying people’s businesses and lives, and severely injuring and killing people.…
Thomas Hobbes said, “The condition of man… is a condition of war of everyone against everyone”. Ultimately, this “condition of man” was his justification, his primary reason, for government. It was also the primary justification for the U.S. government. I’ve…