“So, what do you think will happen in November?” In a recent interview with Shannon Joy — her radio show is heard at 9 PM ET on News Radio WHAM 1180 — I was asked this question, and I responded…
While the rioting and vandalism sparked by the tragic death of George Floyd has been less intense lately, the extremist agenda of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement continues marching forward. As a self-identified Marxist organization, Black Lives Matter is…
As we look back on nearly six months of coronavirus hysteria, it has become increasingly obvious that the fake pandemic has become an excuse to destroy liberty and replace it with socialism and tyranny. We’ve watched as tyrants at the…
By now you’ve probably heard about Trump’s Friday announcement that he will be signing “a very major immigration bill” within the next month that provides a “road to citizenship” to the roughly 800,000 illegal aliens who are enrolled in Obama’s…
As his 2012 reelection campaign was heating up, Obama secured his good standing with feminists and Planned Parenthood by adding free contraception coverage to Obamacare. Under the mandate, health plans were required to to fully cover ANY and EVERY form…
The destruction and mayhem we’ve witnessed at the hands of self-identified Marxist organizations like Black Lives Matter is sad and terrible, but it serves to remind us of the true motivations behind their so-called social justice agenda — the destruction…
The effort to essentially do away with the Electoral College received an enormous boost yesterday when the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of appeals filed by the states of Washington (Chiafalo v. State of Washington) and Colorado (Colorado Department…