One of Joe Biden’s top priorities has been dismantling the Second Amendment, so it should come as no surprise to learn that he and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are making preparations to create a national…
Donald Trump and Trumpist Republicans have been quick to blame Joe Biden and the Democrats for the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill signed into law last week, but Trump and company are the ones responsible for this scam because they laid…
According to the Covestapo, COVID vaccine booster shots are now considered the new standard before they consider the commoners to be fully vaccinated, and they’re planning to make them mandatory to ensure full compliance. Remember two years ago when we…
After telling Congress that he wasn’t doing so, we now know that Attorney General Merrick Garland lied when he testified that he wasn’t treating parents concerned about Critical Race Theory and the explosion of Marxist ideology being taught in public…
Despite the spin we’re getting about the science behind giving children 5 to 11 years old the COVID vaccine, the simple truth is that parents are being fed a boatload of propaganda designed to force them into allowing their children…
Despite the avalanche of accusations of me being a right-wing conspiracy theorist or a Trump cultist that I’m sure to receive, today I’m writing about the obvious parallel between today’s COVID vaccine passports and a similar health-tracking system used in…
Saule Omarova, a woman who openly hates the free market but loves communism, is Joe Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, and if confirmed, she plans to initiate policies designed to bankrupt the U.S. oil and gas industry in…