It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change. Have a great weekend!
Author: David Leach
Boston bombing caused by Islamic terrorists, not tax day protesters
When David Axelrod tried to give Obama cover for his failure to call the bombings in Boston, MA what they were—terrorism—he gave the following reason for Obama’s actions: “I’m sure what was going through the president’s mind is — we really…
Obama is right: Gun-control vote was shameful
The U.S. Senate failed to pass a laundry list of arbitrary and ineffective anti-gun laws. Arbitrary (Adjective) 1: depending on individual discretion and not fixed by law 2: a: not restrained or limited in the exercise of power : ruling by…
Conservative Comedy 4/12/13
It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change. Have a great weekend!
Conservative Comedy 4/5/13
It’s Friday! Time for a few laughs courtesy of Jodi Miller and Newsbusted along with our new addition to our site, the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change. Have a great weekend!
Bill O’Reilly vs The Bible Thumpers
“. . . the other side hasn’t been able to do anything but thump the Bible.” – Bill O’Reilly talking about people who oppose homosexual marriage. With these twelve words, the cockalorum—the Strident Conservative Word of the Day—of “the most-watched program in…
Senator Patty Murray CAGW Porker Of The Month
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) named Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) its March 2013 Porker of the Month for spearheading Senate Democrats’ excessively expensive fiscal year (FY) 2014 budget proposal, “Foundation for Growth: Restoring…