At the risk of being accused of being a chronic sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), it’s an undeniable fact that Donald Trump has destroyed the Republican Party and conservatism, but it’s also true that most of his success comes…
An idea once considered the exclusive purview of conspiracy theorists is coming to pass with the announcement by the WHO (World Health Organization) to take the technology developed by the EU (European Union) to create a digital COVID vaccine passport…
Always on the lookout for new ways to do things prohibited by the Constitution, our government has developed the “keyword warrant,” a document that makes it possible for them to spy on virtually everyone’s internet activity without their knowledge. In…
During the 2016 presidential election, a common refrain by the group of false prophets I refer to as the Fellowship of the Pharisees and evangelical supporters of Donald Trump was that he was God’s man for our times. I openly…
As things begin ramping up ahead of the 2024 Republican presidential primary, the Fellowship of the Pharisees are already lining up behind Donald Trump as they prepare to, once again, trade the gospel of Jesus Christ for political power and…
As momentum begins to build ahead of the 2024 election, we are once again reminded that America has lost her heart. If we’ve learned anything from recent national elections, it’s simply that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats;…
When it comes to breaking free of the Washington “Matrix,” each of us must choose to do so if we are to have any chance of beating the Republican/Democrat machine. I’ve pretty much made it my life’s work to expose…