OK, I know using an “ark” when it rains excessively is an old joke, but since it’s been raining excessively, I’m old, and my political enemies call me a joke, I went with it. As John McCain would say, Allahu Akbar It’s Friday! That…
Month: September 2013
Solar: Obama’s proxy war in the desert
Syria isn’t the only battle into which President Obama is injecting himself where he doesn’t belong. True, on a global scale, Arizona’s fight over net metering seems insignificant. However, on a personal scale, what is taking place in Arizona’s sunny…
Conservative Comedy 9/6/13
It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best Conservative political satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend. Obama didn’t care about Assad killing…
Syrian involvement: tied to decreasing OPEC dependence, increasing USA independence
Following Tuesday’s Senate hearing and Wednesday’s House hearing on Syria, the political theater is beginning to sound like some level of US involvement will most likely happen over the chemical weapons attack. Wednesday afternoon, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted…
John McCain: War hero – Senator – Islamic Theologian
John McCain has lived a rather storied life. He’s a POW survivor from the Vietnam War, who used his heroic story to leverage a rather extensive—which is code for “man, do we need term limits”—career as a politician in Washington, D.C.…
American energy: A healthy “Super-food” to cure America’s sick economy
Energy is a super-resource. It is beneficial to several targeted economic problems and may even help some political conditions. The qualities of energy make it a special category of elements found in nature: a super-resource. Berries, broccoli, and beans are…