Month: January 2013

Congress Has A Gang Problem

Dangerous and destructive gangs are roaming the nation’s capital. No one knows their origins, but since their arrival in the halls of Congress they have grown in number and power; and they are leaving behind a path of destruction everywhere they go. These…

Republican Retreat Or Retreating Republicans?

In the movie, The Princess Bride, Vizzini (played by Wallace Shawn) habitually used the word “inconceivable” when events occurred that were contrary to his expectations. After growing weary of repeatedly hearing the word, Inigo Montoya (played by Mandy Patinkin) says to Vizzini, “You keep using…

$enator Kerry – $ecretary of $tate

According to this author’s imagination, the following took place in the future: Washington, D.C. (January 24, 2013) Today, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing for Senator John Kerry’s Secretary of State nomination took place. The Committee’s Ranking Member pursued a…