Tag: Religion


The Strident Conservative – America’s source for “politically-incorrect” and “always right” news and opinion – is bringing its insightful analysis to radio. “The Strident Conservative” is a two minute daily commentary that focuses on the news and issues relevant to…

You Will Be Made To Care

“Security under our constitution is given to the rights of conscience and private judgment. They are by nature subject to no control but that of Deity [the Lord], and in that free situation they are now left.” – John Jay,…

Singularity: Another collectivist myth

A fashionable concept in today’s computer – IT world is the idea of “singularity” first pioneered by Ray Kurzweil throughout the 1990s and specifically in his 2005 book, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. The thesis of Kurzweil,…

FDA, Planned Parenthood and HIV-tainted blood

The homosexual movement has NEVER been about equality. From the very beginning, it’s always been about unconditional acceptance and an embrace of their sexually-deviant lifestyle. Refuse to fall in line and you will pay with your livelihood, and possibly your…