Tag: November election

Hillary Clinton – Leader Of The Fake War On Women

I say “fake war” because according to Hillary and many of her feminist comrades, they are defending themselves against a declared war on women . And I refer to Hillary as the Leader – well, because she’s the Leader; just ask Meryl Streep. Like any true leader, you must…

Why Won’t Conservatives Just Let Romney Win?

According to the number 2 House Republican, it’s time for everyone to coalesce around Mitt Romney – aka Mr. Inevitable – so he can focus on losing to running against Obama in November. Karl Rove – the George Castanza of the political world because they…

Chevy Volt Commercial We Would Like To See

  On a serious note, Government Motors has been a colossal failure and the Chevy Volt is the poster child. Here’s what Seton Motley, a consultant and the Founder and President of Less Government, had to say about it: “The Barack…

Obama’s 2013 Budget? Greece Is The Word

As we discovered during a fundraising event held at the Apollo a few weeks ago, Obama considers himself somewhat a songster on par with “Al Green,” so when the Spender-in-Chief presented his all-time record budget proposal for 2013, I thought it should come…

Mr. Subliminal Wrote Romney’s CPAC Speech

As Mitt “The Severe Conservative” Romney saw his coronation as the Republican candidate for President slipping away, he didn’t fire anyone – as we all know, he likes being able to fire people – instead, he hired someone.  According to an unnamed…

Conservatives Of The World Unite!

February 7, 2012 – A date which will live in infamy. OK. . . not exactly. But conservatives in the states of Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado spoke loud and clear when they gave upstart Rick Santorum decisive wins over the inevitable candidate, Mitt…